The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Australia 2030: Prosperity through Innovation

Date published:
1 November 2017

The benefits of innovation are all around us, it’s in the quality of life that Australians enjoy and the meaningful work we undertake. This is why innovation continues to be critical for Australia’s future.

Australia 2030: Prosperity through Innovation plans for the sort of society and economy that all Australians can aspire to by 2030.

The plan makes 30 recommendations that underpin five strategic policy imperatives:

  • Education: respond to the changing nature of work by equipping all Australians with skills relevant to 2030
  • Industry: ensure Australia’s ongoing prosperity by stimulating high-growth firms and raising productivity
  • Government: become a catalyst for innovation and be recognised as a global leader in innovative service delivery
  • Research and development (R&D): improve R&D effectiveness by increasing translation and commercialisation of research
  • Culture and ambition: enhance the national culture of innovation by launching ambitious National Missions.

Government response

Read the government's response to the 2030 plan.

Stakeholder consultation

Innovation and Science Australia (ISA) consulted with stakeholders across the Australian innovation, science and research system throughout 2017 and received 130 public submissions. The consultation and submissions helped inform and shape the plan.

Importance of the 2030 Plan

The Chair of Industry Innovation and Science Australia explained the importance of the 2030 Plan for Australia's innovation future and the vision underpinning the plan. 

[Text: Mr Bill Ferris AC, Chair, Innovation and Science Australia Board] [Bill Ferris talks to an interviewer who is not visible in an office setting]

We were tasked by the Australian Government to come up with a plan for accelerating innovation and prosperity of this country by the year 2030. That’s the horizon. So the board of Innovation and Science Australia approached that task by saying, well, what is it - what do we want 2030 to look like. What will the Australian economy and society need to be?

I think we settled on the fact that we would hope and want to be respected for the excellence of our science and our research and our innovation, and be seen and respected for that internationally, and we'd like to continue to deliver a high level of prosperity and living standards for all Australians in what we would regard, and hope others would see, as a fair and inclusive society.