Australian Industry Participation

We ensure full, fair and reasonable opportunity for Australian industry to compete for work in major projects.

Australian Industry Participation requirement streams 

There are 2 streams of Australian industry participation (AIP) requirements:

Major projects to establish or upgrade Australian facilities

Major public and private projects with an expenditure of $500 million or more are subject to the Australian Jobs Act 2013. This is administered by the Australian Industry Participation Authority. Learn about require...

Australian Government funded projects

You may need to prepare a Commonwealth Australian Industry Participation (CAIP) plan if you are awarded Australian Government contracts, grants, payments or investments of $20 million or more (GST inclusive) includi...

Find AIP plan summaries

Major project AIP plan summaries

Find AIP plan summaries for major projects.

Australian Government funded projects AIP plan summaries

Find current AIP plan summaries for Australian Government funded projects.

About Australian Industry Participation

Each stream has a team who can: 

  • help with AIP obligations, including if and when an AIP Plan is required
  • help you to develop AIP Plans
  • approve AIP plans 
  • publish AIP plan summaries on this website
  • guide you to report your activities against implemented AIP plan.

Feedback and complaints

Major projects to establish or upgrade eligible Australian facilities 


For feedback about major projects to establish or upgrade eligible Australian facilities (Jobs Act 2013)


If you disagree with a direction to amend your draft Jobs Act AIP Plan or with any related decisions made by the AIP Authority, you may make an application to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) for a review of the decisions. 

For more information read Section 112 of the Jobs Act.

Australian government funded projects


To give feedback for Australian government funded projects (Commonwealth AIP) email


If you have a complaint for Australian government funded projects (Commonwealth AIP), clearly explain the issue and give any relevant documents. If you make a complaint in person or by phone, follow it up in writing. We will record and investigate your complaint and give a detailed response. 

If you’re not satisfied with our response, you can contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman

AIP publications

Aug 2024 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

Australian Industry Participation (AIP) policy impact evaluation report

We evaluated the Australian Industry Participation policy from October 2022 to April 2023 to identify how the policy could be improved.
Aug 2024 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

Departmental response to the Australian Industry Participation (AIP) policy impact evaluation report

Read our response to the 16 recommendations from the Australian Industry Participation policy impact evaluation report.
Jan 2019 Department of Industry, Science and Resources

Review of the implementation of the Australian Jobs Act 2013: report

The report of the review of the implementation of the Australian Jobs Act 2013 investigates the transparency of processes to ensure compliance under the Act.
Feb 2018 Australian Industry Participation Authority

Guidelines for Jobs Act compliance monitoring and enforcement

The guidelines explain our compliance processes under the Australian Jobs Act 2013.
Apr 2001 Australian Industry Participation Authority

Australian Industry Participation National Framework

Maximising industry participation in major projects in Australia and internationally through a consistent national approach.

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