The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Business Research and Innovation Initiative

Encouraging Australian startups and small-to-medium enterprises to develop innovative solutions to government challenges.

The Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII) is a challenge-based innovation program. It provides funding for startups and SMEs to undertake research and development (R&D) on new-to-market technologies.

The program:

  • builds the innovative capacity of startups, SMEs and government agencies
  • improves capability to access national and international markets
  • helps SMEs be more confident and aware when working with government
  • increases government agencies’ sourcing of innovative solutions.

How BRII works

BRII works in 3 phases:

  1. Challenge identification. Australian Government agencies identify and nominate public policy or service delivery challenges requiring solutions.
  2. Feasibility grants. Startups and SMEs apply with their proposed solution to the challenges. We award feasibility grants of up to $100,000 for the best solutions to each challenge. These help the grantees test the technical and commercial feasibility of their solution over 3 months.
  3. Proof of concept grants. We invite grantees that successfully demonstrate feasibility to apply for a proof of concept grant. This is up to $1 million to produce a prototype of the solution.

BRII rounds

Each round seeks solutions to different public policy or service delivery challenges. Australian Government agencies support the program to develop new-to-market technologies that they can negotiate to buy.

Funding for this round is closed.

Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII): renewables and low emissions grant round

The Australian Government is looking for innovative solutions to challenges that support its Net Zero commitment and the National Reconstruction Fund priority areas of renewables and low emissions.

Funding for this round is closed

Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII): workplace relations usability challenge round

The Australian Government is looking for innovative solutions to make it easier for small business owners to navigate the modern awards system.
Funding for this round is closed.

Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII): automatic mutual recognition of occupational registrations (AMR) round

The Australian Government seeks innovative solutions to improve occupational licencing information sharing and uptake of the AMR scheme. AMR helps workers share their occupational registrations and licences across Australian states and territories.
Funding for this round is closed.

Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII): regulatory technology round

The Australian Government seeks innovative solutions to reduce regulatory burden processes and increase the adoption of regulatory technologies. These technologies streamline compliance for businesses or individuals, and administration for government.

Administering BRII

Industry Innovation and Science Australia's Entrepreneurs' Programme Committee oversees the BRII program. The committee assesses:

  • Australian Government agency challenge nominations
  • startup and SME grant applications.

We deliver and administer grants through:

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