The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Overseas counsellors

We have counsellors in Beijing, Bengaluru, Brussels, Jakarta, New Delhi, Seoul, Tokyo and Washington DC.

Counsellors work to strengthen our international networks and advise us about key initiatives in their host countries. 

We also work with Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s (DCCEEW) Counsellor located in Paris.

United States and Canada

Our Minister-Counsellor is based in the Australian Embassy in Washington DC.

Australia, the United States (US) and Canada have a long history of cooperation and collaboration. We share many similar policy challenges including: 

  • driving diversification of global supply chains to bolster our economic and national security 
  • cooperating to develop the safe and responsible technologies of the future including AI, biotech, and quantum 
  • increasing cross-border collaboration on science and research
  • supporting the economic uplift of the Indo-Pacific region. 

United States

The US is Australia’s most important economic partner and our third largest two-way trading partner, valued at $US 84 billion in 2023. We share 100 years of mateship and enduring cooperation on economic and national security issues.


As leading mining nations, Canada and Australia share the responsibility of sitting at the forefront of global net zero ambitions. Both countries are trusted suppliers of the commodities vital to the economic, energy, and national security of our key trading partners. 

Key priorities

  • Leading engagement with United States and Canadian governments to promote our shared economic resilience in priority policy areas including industry development, science and technology, and resources and critical minerals
  • Increasing cross-border cooperation and opportunity for Australia’s growing businesses, industries, and regions. This includes strengthening market access and investment in our resources sector
  • Supporting increased science and research collaboration between the US, Canada, and Australia, including cooperation at the leading edge of new technologies.
Minister-Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources), Washington | USA and Canada
Geoff is based at the Australian Embassy in Washington DC. He facilitates our important partnership with the USA and Canada around industry policy.


Our Counsellor is based in the Australian Embassy in Beijing.

China is a key partner for Australia's industry, resources, and science sectors. It is our largest export destination, primarily driven by the export of Australian natural resources.

Key priorities

  • Facilitating engagement with the Chinese Government and industry on portfolio issues
  • Supporting trade and investment under the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
  • Maintaining Australia’s resources trade interests through engagement with resources stakeholders and in-country activities promoting our resources credentials, policies, and investment opportunities
  • Helping identify and highlight opportunities for collaboration. As both economies pivot into a low emissions future, decarbonisation is a broad opportunity area
  • Supporting bilateral engagement through the Australia-China Science and Research Fund as part of the Global Science and Technology Diplomacy Fund.
Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources), Beijing | China
Tim is based at the Australian Embassy in Beijing, China. He facilitates our important partnership with China.


Our Europe Counsellor is based at the Australian Mission to the European Union in Brussels. We work closely on resources and energy issues with the DCCEEW counsellor based at the Australian Delegation to the OECD in Paris. 

Australia, the European Union and the United Kingdom share views on many global economic issues. We cooperate in promoting international prosperity in a range of forums including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Energy Agency (IEA).

European Union (EU)

Australia’s relationship with Europe is deep-rooted and wide ranging. The EU is Australia's third largest two-way trading partner and second largest source of foreign investment. Australia and the EU launched negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) in June 2018, and while negotiations have paused for now they will continue, but may take some time. The EU’s regulations and standards for current and emerging industries and technologies are globally influential. 

United Kingdom (UK)

The UK is one of our most like-minded partners in the world. Our countries enjoy a high level of cooperation across a wide range of foreign policy, defence, security, intelligence, trade and economic issues. 

The A-UKFTA entered into force on 31 May 2023 and provides opportunities for Australian industry. 

Key priorities

  • Increasing economic and policy connections in the areas of industry, science, technology, innovation, digital, space and resources
  • Collaborating on critical minerals, artificial intelligence, quantum and other emerging technologies, space and astronomy through a range of dialogues, joint meetings and working groups
  • Representing Australia at OECD Committees on science, technology, innovation, entrepreneurship and digital economy and engaging with other relevant OECD and IEA work.
Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources), Brussels | Europe
Hillary is based at the Australian Mission to the European Union in Brussels. She facilitates the relationship, bilaterally and in all relevant multilateral fora, between Australia and the European region. This includes the European Union (EU) and its member states, the United Kingdom (UK) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).


Our counsellors are based in the Australian High Commission in New Delhi and the Australian Consulate-General in Bengaluru.

India is an important strategic partner to Australia in science, critical technology, space, critical minerals, resources and energy. India is Australia’s sixth largest trading partner and a critical market for our coal, copper, natural gas and mining services. 

Export opportunities for Australia are growing as India looks to:

  • increase uptake of renewable energy and natural gas
  • become a global hub for production, usage and export of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives
  • become a global manufacturer of batteries, solar panels and hydrogen electrolysers
  • collaborate with international partners for mining of critical minerals
  • increase its steel production and lower emissions from the sector
  • increase innovation by supporting its space sector
  • facilitate deeper engagement in science and innovation, including on technology, digital and emerging technologies.

Key priorities

  • Supporting the Australia India Critical Minerals Investment Partnership
  • Working towards a bilateral Renewable Energy Partnership
  • Positioning Australia as a technology leader for India’s renewable energy ambitions and facilitating RD&D activities on a long term, sustainable basis
  • Supporting and furthering initiatives including:
Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources), New Delhi | India
Sanjiva has been a counsellor since September 2021. He is based at the Australia High Commission, New Delhi. He facilitates the important strategic partnership between India and Australia, and is responsible for energy and resources bilateral cooperation.
Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources), Bengaluru | India
Caitlin is based at the Australian Consulate-General in Bengaluru, India. Since 2011, Caitlin has worked on a range of industry and policy matters in our department.


Our counsellor is based in the Australian Embassy in Jakarta

Indonesia is one of Australia’s most important bilateral relationships and enjoy a dynamic and expanding economic relationship with a strategic focus on innovation, economic integration, and sustainable development. 

Key priorities 

  • Implementing the Electric Vehicle (EV) Mechanism Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) through negotiation with Indonesian partners and alignment with Australia's strategic interests
  • Designing and delivering mapping exercises to inform future projects and cooperation within the EV supply chain
  • Facilitating joint scientific research on the EV ecosystem in line with mutually agreed priorities
  • Establishing of a joint steering committee to guide work streams and track outcomes under the EV Mechanism
  • Coordinating with other Australian Government departments, Austrade, and Indonesian counterparts.
Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources), Jakarta | Indonesia
Nik is based at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. His role is to support the Australian Government’s industrial, science and resources policy objectives and position Australian investment in line with the South East Asia Strategy to influence market settings, support supply chain diversification and grow Australia’s emerging green industries.


Our counsellor is based in the Australian Embassy in Tokyo.

Japan is Australia’s second largest export market and is a key partner for Australian industry and science. 

Key priorities

  • Engaging with Japanese investors and customers in Australia’s resources sector. This includes liquefied natural gas (LNG), coal and minerals
  • Promoting technology collaboration in resources sectors. This includes clean coal, carbon capture and storage (CCS), HELE coal fired power stations, and hydrogen.
Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources), Tokyo | Japan
Dan is based at the Australian Embassy in Tokyo. He supports Australia’s engagement with Japan on resources trade, manufacturing and critical technologies, as well as supporting science collaboration.

Republic of Korea (ROK)

Our counsellor is based in the Australian Embassy in Seoul

The Republic of Korea is Australia’s fourth largest trading partner and third largest export market. The elevation of the Australia-ROK bilateral relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in December 2021 signalled greater intent to cooperate on issues our department leads. 

Key priorities

  • Establishing and growing relationships with relevant government and commercial stakeholders to advance portfolio interests in industry, science, technology, and resources
  • Promoting collaboration for resources trade and investment in areas of complementary interests, including harnessing new opportunities in critical minerals
  • Enabling science and technology collaboration.
Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources), Seoul | Republic of Korea
Sam is the inaugural counsellor for our department based at the Australian Embassy in Seoul. He supports engagement between Australia and the Republic of Korea to strengthen the bilateral relationship.