The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Oil and gas 

We develop policy, regulations and interventions to support Australia’s oil and gas industry and supply.

Oil and gas are known as petroleum resources. Petroleum is a naturally occurring mixture of either liquid or gas hydrocarbons. 

Regulating oil and gas

Domestic gas supply

We ensure that Australian manufacturers, electricity generators, businesses and households have sufficient supplies of natural gas.

Offshore oil and gas

We regulate offshore oil and gas activities in Australian Commonwealth waters. 

Taxes, royalties and export controls on minerals and petroleum

Companies that extract mineral and petroleum resources must pay taxes and royalties. Companies who export minerals must meet requirements.

Decommissioning offshore oil and gas infrastructure

Offshore Decommissioning Directorate

We’re helping to build an effective offshore decommissioning industry to support Australia’s economic transition to net zero.

Australia’s Offshore Resources Decommissioning Roadmap

The roadmap is the Australian Government’s plan to create an efficient and sustainable domestic decommissioning industry.

Decommissioning the Northern Endeavour

The Australian Government is decommissioning the Northern Endeavour facility and remediating the Laminaria-Corallina oil fields.

Planning for gas to 2050 and beyond

The role of gas will change as we reach net zero in Australia by 2050. The Future Gas Strategy sets out the Australian Government’s plan for gas production and consumption while our economy transitions to net zero.

The strategy aims to: 

  • support decarbonisation of the Australian economy 
  • safeguard energy security and affordability 
  • reinforce Australia’s reputation as an attractive trade and investment destination 
  • help our trade partners on their own paths to net zero.

The strategy is an evidence-based framework built around 6 principles that will guide policymaking about gas. 

Oil and gas sector opportunities

Bidding closed

Offshore greenhouse gas storage acreage release 2023

There are 10 areas for offshore oil and gas exploration. Bidding for this release closed on 28 November 2023.

National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator

See NOPTA's interactive map presenting the geographical offshore locations of active titles that exist in Australian territorial waters.

Latest news

Gas storage facility

Gas supply and demand outlook for 2025 quarter 3

The Australian Government will not activate the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM) for the July to September 2025 quarter.
Close up shot of calm, blue ocean waters

Future Gas Strategy draft offshore guidelines: have your say

We are now consulting on offshore policy settings to support the Future Gas Strategy. Submissions close 2 May 2025
Gas storage facility

Gas supply and demand outlook for 2025 quarter 2

The Australian Government will not activate the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM) for the April to June 2025 quarter.
2 workers in fluro orange  on an oil rig in the ocean
Offshore Decommissioning Directorate

Offshore Decommissioning Directorate survey: have your say

We’re continuing the conversation about how we can best support offshore oil and gas decommissioning activity in Australia. Survey closes 28 February 2025.
Women in Resources morning tea event in Dili

Promoting gender equality, trade and investment in Timor-Leste

Resources morning tea deepens trade and investment links between Australia and Timor-Leste.