The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Australian Radioactive Waste Agency

Leading the safe and secure long-term management and disposal of Australia’s radioactive waste.

Our radioactive waste program

We are setting a responsible, sustainable approach to radioactive waste management in Australia.

Radioactive waste in Australia comes from medicine, research and development activities, agriculture and industrial sources. Applying nuclear science and technology benefits Australians by:

  • improving health
  • understanding our environment 
  • innovating in industry.

With these benefits comes our responsibility to manage the radioactive waste these activities produce. 

Learn more about our work.

Engaging and collaborating

We work with government agencies, international bodies, radioactive waste holders and producers to determine the best possible radioactive waste solutions.

Learn more about our engagement activities and partners.

Australia’s radioactive waste landscape

We report on our nation’s radioactive waste. This includes estimating the amount of radioactive waste Australia will produce in the next 50 to 100 years.

Radioactive waste in Australia

Read about the main sources of radiation, types of radioactive waste and ways we can safely store and dispose of waste in Australia.

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