The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Critical Technologies Challenge Program

Encouraging quantum solutions to Australia’s most significant national challenges.

The Critical Technologies Challenge Program (CTCP) invites solutions to market-led challenges of national significance using quantum technologies.

About the program

The program aims to drive greater awareness and uptake of quantum technologies in Australia in line with the National Quantum Strategy. It does this by creating stronger ties between quantum researchers, quantum businesses and technology end-users.

The program also aims to:

  • demonstrate Australian capability
  • drive private sector demand
  • de-risk adoption of quantum technology across the economy.

How the program works

The CTCP works in 2 stages:

  • Feasibility grants. Applicants propose a solution that contributes to solving a nationally significant challenge. They provide a detailed feasibility project that will test and demonstrate the technical viability of that solution.
  • Demonstrator grants. After completing the feasibility projects, we invite some applicants to apply for a stage 2 demonstrator grant. Demonstrator projects support applicants to build on their feasibility project and produce working prototypes or demonstrations.

To be eligible, applicants must form consortia. Together they apply for a funding round via an Australian lead applicant.

CTCP rounds

Open for applications

Critical Technologies Challenge Program (CTCP) round 2

Round 2 invites solutions to market-led challenges of national significance.

Challenge 1: Improve biosecurity outcomes by enhancing the detection of invasive pests or diseases, and cargo inspection processes.

Challenge 2: Improve life expectancy, health outcomes and access to health technology for First Nations peoples.

Challenge 3: Optimise transport routes, logistics and supply chain operations.

Challenge 4: Optimise the performance, sustainability, and security of energy networks.

Funding closed

Critical Technologies Challenge Program (CTCP) round 1

The Australian Government is looking for quantum solutions to solve 4 of our most significant national challenges.

Challenge 1: Optimise the performance, sustainability, and security of energy networks.

Challenge 2: Improve medical imaging and medical sensors to support diagnosis, treatment of disease and monitoring activities inside the human body.

Challenge 3: Enhance communication with autonomous systems in varying environments.

Challenge 4: Optimise and reduce the impact of resource exploration, extraction, and mineral processing.

Latest news

Jan 2025

$5.5 million to boost Australia’s quantum future

Round 2 of the Critical Technologies Challenge Program (CTCP) invites solutions to market-led challenges in biosecurity, First Nations health, transport and logistics, and energy. Applications close 26 February.
Nov 2024

$5.2 million for quantum solutions to solve key national challenges

Round 1 of the Critical Technologies Challenge Program (CTCP) will fund 14 projects across Australia.

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