Diversity in STEM

We’re supporting the development of a thriving, skilled and diverse workforce in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Improving opportunities in STEM

The Australian Government is improving opportunities for all Australians to access and benefit from well-paid jobs in STEM. 

This includes:

  • women and girls
  • First Nations people
  • culturally and linguistically diverse people
  • people from regional and rural areas
  • people living with disabilities
  • people facing age-based discrimination
  • people with low socioeconomic status
  • LGBTQIA+ people
  • neurodivergent people.

We aim to attract and retain more people from diverse backgrounds in STEM education and careers. This will help meet the growing demand for STEM workers and pave the way for a Future Made in Australia. 

Investments to support diversity in STEM

Read how the government is funding its STEM programs to reach more diverse people.

Pathway to Diversity in STEM Review

The independent panel's recommendations highlighted ways to break down persistent barriers to diversity in STEM education and careers.

Monitoring and increasing diversity in STEM

Our vision is for all Australians to have equal opportunity to learn, work and engage in STEM. We aim to:

  • enable the participation of underrepresented cohorts through education
  • increase recruitment and retention of diverse people in STEM careers
  • make diverse people in STEM more visible.

Supporting girls, women and diversity in STEM

Our department delivers and funds a range of programs and initiatives to support girls, women and diverse people to learn, work and engage in STEM.

Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) grants program

The WISE grants program funds long-term projects to help eliminate barriers to women’s participation in STEM. This includes projects to support women who experience multiple barriers, like Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and women from regional and rural locations.

Science in Australia Gender and Equity (SAGE)

SAGE assesses and accredits the gender equity policies and practices in Australian higher education and research organisations. The Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering founded SAGE.

Superstars of STEM

Superstars of STEM helps raise the profile and visibility of diverse people working in STEM to inspire the next generation. It aims to challenge stereotypes on who can do STEM and what STEM looks like, and offers media training, mentoring and networking. Science and Technology Australia delivers the program.

Diversity in STEM Toolkit (DiST)

The DiST delivers resources to support primary and secondary school aged girls and diverse students to see a future for themselves in STEM education and careers. The toolkit includes resources for students to explore the many opportunities available through STEM. It also has evidence-based educational support resources for their teachers, families and carers, aligned to the curriculum. Education Services Australia manages this program.

Elevate: Boosting Diversity in STEM

Elevate partners with industry to grow the pool of women and non-binary leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics by co-funding university scholarships. The Australian Academy of Science and Technology delivers the program.

Latest news and case studies

Teenage student using the microscope in the laboratory

256 STEM scholarships for women and non-binary people in STEM

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE)’s Elevate: Boosting Diversity in STEM program will help grow a diverse workforce in in science, technology,…
Class of First Nations students with a teacher working on laptops

Investments to support a thriving, skilled and diverse STEM workforce

The Australian Government has announced details of additional funding for its STEM programs to reach more diverse people.
Photo of a girl building a car or robot

The state of STEM gender equity in 2024

We’ve updated the STEM Equity Monitor with the latest data on women and girls’ participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Portrait of Prof Lisa Harvey Smith

With thanks, we farewell the Women in STEM Ambassador

Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith has worked across business, education and government to increase the participation of women and girls in STEM. Read about her contribution and achievements.…
Eight female staff and a man are sitting on wooden sleepers as part of a yarning circle. In the  background, a wall has Geoscience Australia written on it, and the words 'Yuuma Welcome'.

Equality in STEM workplaces: Geoscience Australia

Geoscience Australia is the first Australian organisation to receive 3 SAGE Cygnet Awards for its inclusive and gender equitable workplace.

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