The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Student opportunities at the National Measurement Institute

We host visiting students for vocational placements and work experience.

Opportunities for tertiary students

We host visiting tertiary students for vocational placements and work experience. We offer several paid positions each year through our program, Year in Industry.

Most of our placements are for science or engineering students.

Our laboratories cover physical, chemical and biological measurement science. We host students in our Sydney and Melbourne laboratories. We offer:

  • vocational placements for internships or research
  • work experience
  • the Year in Industry program.

Our scientists, engineers and staff will support and mentor you. They’ll help you develop both practical and professional laboratory skills. You’ll develop these skills in a supportive, collegiate and constructive environment.


To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled in a tertiary program at the time of placement. Applicants must be undertaking studies in a field relevant to our work, such as science or engineering.

Many placements have further eligibility requirements. Some require:

The laboratory hosting each placement influences eligibility requirements. We advise applicants of additional requirements. 

Vocational placements

Throughout the year, we offer tertiary students unpaid vocational placements. These are:

  • undergraduate internships and research projects
  • higher degree research.

The minimum duration is usually 2 months. We determine the maximum duration of each student's placement, based on specific course or research requirements. 

Undergraduate internships

We host students for internships. Many science or engineering courses include a compulsory or elective internship unit. Students in these courses must spend a specified length of time in an industry workplace. Some courses expect students to conduct a research project for their internship. We can offer students either or both, depending on each student’s circumstances.

Higher degree research projects 

We offer vocational placements for higher degree students. This is for students to conduct a research project in one of our laboratories. Our scientists and engineers co-supervise the student, and their research. The university must approve the research topic, and it must be relevant to what we do. 

Work experience

Our work experience program is for tertiary students at any level. It's an opportunity to get practical, hands-on experience in one of our laboratories. Work experience placements don't need to be a course requirement. We recommend that students seek endorsement from their university to support their application.

Our work experience placements are usually for 2 months. Students seeking a longer placement can consider a vocational placement instead.

Applying for unpaid student placements

  1. Prepare a current resume or CV.
  2. Get an official record (transcript) of completed subjects and grades from your tertiary institution.
  3. Provide the names and contact information for 2 referees. At least one of your referees must be staff at your institution.
  4. Send your documentation to

We may ask you for more information or send you forms to complete. We’ll assess your application then advise you of the outcome by email. 

Our student placements are learning opportunities, not employment opportunities. If you seek paid employment with us, visit our careers portal.

For more information about our student opportunities, or how to apply, email

Year in Industry program

Our Year in Industry program is an opportunity to join us as a paid employee. It is a full-time, paid position in a laboratory for 12 months. To be eligible applicants must be:

  • enrolled as a science or engineering undergraduate student
  • in the second last year of study at the time of application
  • able to gain approval from their university to defer the final year until after the placement.

Our specific eligibility requirements change each year. This is because the list of laboratories that offer places changes each year. This is our most sought after student opportunity, and places are competitive.

For more information about the Year in industry program, email

Laboratories offering placements

Most placements are in Sydney, at our Lindfield and North Ryde laboratories. The location for each placement depends on the project and discipline. The most common placements are in the following areas.

Lindfield (Sydney, NSW) laboratories

  • Bioanalysis
  • Electricity and high voltage
  • Mechanical, thermal and optical standards
  • Nanometrology
  • Reference gases

North Ryde (Sydney, NSW) laboratories

  • Australian Forensic Drug Laboratory
  • Australian Sports Drugs Testing Laboratory
  • Australian Ultra-trace Laboratory
  • Chemical reference materials
  • Chemical reference values 
  • Technical development and innovation – analytical services


We don’t charge fees to undertake placements with us, and except for the Year in Industry program, our placements are unpaid.

We provide access to all necessary equipment to use on site. Students don’t need to buy laboratory equipment or personal safety equipment (e.g. eye protection). 


Each student must ensure they have suitable insurance cover while on unpaid vocational or work experience placements. Most universities and TAFEs have policies that cover students while on approved placements. Students on unapproved placements must have their own insurance. 

Our insurance covers paid employees including students in our Year in Industry program.

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