To conduct public weighings and issue a ticket, you must have a public weighbridge licence.
You can nominate weighbridge operators to issue tickets under your licence.
If you are a public weighbridge licensee, you must:
- follow the requirements of operating a weighbridge used for trade
- ensure at least one of your operators holds a statement of attainment for weighbridge operations
- let the National Measurement Institute (NMI) know when an operator or contractor starts or ceases employment and provide their personal details.
You do not need a public weighbridge licence when you use the weighbridge in any of these ways:
- to determine a measurement for road safety purposes or vehicle registration
- where the weighbridge controller has contracted operation of the weighbridge to another party to only perform weighings for transactions which they are a party to (Note: a controller cannot contract the operation of an automated weighbridge to another party)
- as part of the weighbridge controller’s business, including to weigh goods in which the weighbridge controller trades.