The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Selling firewood

You can sell firewood by weight, volume or lot.

Trade measurement laws regulate the retail and wholesale sale of firewood.

You can sell firewood by:

  • weight
  • volume
  • lot (for example, by the stack, trailer or truck load).

Selling by weight

If you sell firewood by weight you must measure it in tonnes (t) or kilograms (kg).

Only advertise the net weight of the wood. Do not include the weight of the trailer, containers, or ropes.

If you are delivering wood to more than one customer at a time, we recommend you keep each load separate. You should give each customer a delivery docket stating the weight of the wood you are delivering.

Selling by volume

You can sell firewood by the cubic metre (m3). When measuring the volume of the firewood, ensure you neatly stack it with as few gaps as possible. A typical measuring instrument used for volume is a 1 m rule with metal-tipped ends or a flexible measuring tape.

To calculate the volume, multiply the length by the width by the height of the stack (in metres): 

  • volume in m3 = (width) m x (height) m x (length) m.

Converting between volume and weight

Don’t make assumptions or claims about the weight of a measured volume of wood, or the volume of a measured weight of wood. These calculations can be unreliable due to:

  • varying wood densities
  • moisture content
  • differing amounts of free space when the wood is stacked.

If you make claims about actual weight or volume you must ensure they are correct. 

Selling by lot

You may sell firewood by lot, for example by the stack, trailer or truck load. If you use this method, you can’t refer to the weight or volume of the lot. If you wish to sell by weight or volume, you must comply with the requirements of a sale by weight or volume.

If the buyer is not present

If the buyer is not present or does not have a clear and unobstructed view when you measure the firewood, you must provide an accurate invoice or note when you deliver it.

Pre-packed firewood

If you sell pre-packaged firewood or kindling, you must state on the outside of the package the:

  • net weight of the wood in the package, not including the weight of any packaging material
  • full name and street address of the packer (if not sold on the same premises you packed it), or the person you packed it for. The address cannot be a post office box, an email address or phone number. The name and address of the packer must be clear and legible.

Pre-packaged firewood must not contain less than the stated amount prior to sale.

Read our Guide to the sale of pre-packaged goods to find out more.

Measuring instrument

If you sell firewood by weight or volume, you are responsible for the accuracy of your measuring instruments. 

You must ensure that:

  • the National Measurement Institute (NMI) has approved your type of instrument 
  • a servicing licensee has verified your instrument
  • you and your staff use the instrument in the correct manner (e.g. level and indicating zero before use)
  • you position the instrument so that the customer can easily see the weighing or measuring process (if not, you must provide a written statement of the weight or volume)
  • you keep the instrument clean and in good working order
  • a servicing licensee verifies the instrument after each repair or adjustment.

You are responsible for making sure the instrument is correct at all times.

We recommend that you have all your measuring instruments, particularly weighing instruments, checked regularly by a technician licensed by NMI (servicing licensee). For a list of servicing licensees, email

Regulating the sale of firewood

The National Measurement Act 1960 and the National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 regulate how firewood is sold by measurement.

NMI employs trade measurement inspectors throughout Australia. We inspect firewood being sold to ensure that sellers are following the correct process.

If an inspector finds that you are short-measuring your customers, you could be fined up to $222,000 per offence.

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