The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

About the National Measurement Institute

We are responsible for developing and maintaining Australia’s measurement system.

Chief Metrologist and CEO

Dr Bruce Warrington
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Metrologist
Dr Bruce Warrington is the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Metrologist of NMI. He leads a team of more than 350 employees across Australia who fulfil NMI’s roles and responsibilities as Australia’s peak body for measurement. The Chief Metrologist is appointed by the Secretary of the department and has functions outlined in the National Measurement Act 1960 and subsidiary legislation.

Laws and regulation

NMI is responsible for leading, developing and maintaining Australia’s measurement system. We ensure that Australia’s measurement system can be trusted.

We administer laws for:

Products and services

We also deliver critical measurement products and services to a wide range of stakeholders including:

  • government
  • industry
  • science and technology partners.

These include:

Other programs

We work with industry, researchers and government, as well as our international partners. Our goal is to address some of Australia’s biggest societal and economic challenges.

Our specialised measurement capabilities also support applications in advanced manufacturing, defence and security, and many other areas important to Australia.

Some of our focus sectors include:

We also support a range of measurement activities for Australian stakeholders such as:

NMI also has targets to enhance trade, investment and economic growth while evolving capability to serve key economic sectors.

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