The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Public weighbridge licensee application form (new or renewal)  

Use this form to apply or renew your public weighbridge license.
  • Current Part A: Business Details
  • Part B: Checklist and statement
  • Complete
1 of 3 (0%)
Indicates required field

Part A: Business Details

(Section 18PA(3)(a) and 18PL(1 ) National Measurement Act 1960)


Who is your nominated contact person?

Are you applying a new licence or a licence renewal?
How many years are you applying for the licence to be granted?

Public Weighbridge details


Weighbridge verification details

Is this weighbridge an automated weighbridge?

An Automated Weighbridge is an approved weighbridge interfaced with a weighbridge control system to automatically control the weighbridge operations.
An Automated Public Weighbridge is a weighbridge licensed by NMI for public weighing without a public weighbridge operator being present during the weighing.

I have read the Guidelines for Weighbridge Control Systems and confirm that the weighbridge listed as part of this application complies with the requirements.

Please provide a copy of the supporting documentation which demonstrates how the automated weighbridge system complies with the Guidelines for the weighbridge control systems.