The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Temperature and humidity measurement client services

We provide the most accurate temperature and humidity measurement services in Australia. We conduct precision measurements, calibrate instruments and deliver research, advice and training.

As Australia’s peak body for measurement, we’re responsible for the physical and national standards for measuring temperature and humdity.

This means we’re responsible for maintaining and developing the standards in our laboratory. It also means we’re responsible for disseminating the standards in Australia, which we do through our suite of client services.

These include:

  • calibrating reference-grade instruments and standards
  • contract research and development on short-term projects or long-term arrangements
  • consultancy and advice on product safety and meeting documentary standards
  • design and deliver training in precision measurement, calibrations and thermal emissivity testing.

We deliver most of our services in our Lindfield laboratory. Our services are accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA). We deliver some services on-site at our clients’ facilities around Australia.

Calibrating and testing temperature measuring instruments

We calibrate and test most reference-grade instruments and standards that measure temperature and humidity. This includes thermal emissivity testing. Measurements made with instruments we calibrate and test are internationally traceable.

Temperature and humidity measuring instruments we calibrate and test

  • fixed point cells
  • standard platinum resistance thermometers (SPRTs)
  • industrial platinum resistance thermometers (IPRTs)
  • digital thermometers
  • thermocouples
  • radiation thermometers \ thermal imagers
  • eissometers
  • heat flux sensors
  • blackbody sources
  • liquid-in-glass thermometers
  • mercury-in-glass thermometers
  • precision resistance bridges for SPRTs
  • surface temperature probesdry block calibrators
  • psychrometers with mercury-in-glass thermometers
  • electronic and Assman psychrometers
  • dew point and frost point hygrometers
  • relative humidity (RH) / temperature meters
  • custom-built instruments and devices.

Temperature and humidity instrument calibration and testing capabilities

We provide our temperature and humidity measurement capabilities to NATA as part of the accreditation process. This includes measurement ranges for instrument types with associated measurement uncertainties. NATA publish this as our Scope of Accreditation: NMI Temperature Standards Project.

Turnaround times

Our turnaround time for calibrations is usually between 2 weeks and 2 months. Wait times vary depending on demand at the time, and on how complex or rare the instrument is. We liaise with clients to meet their schedule requirements wherever possible.

Calibration and testing service costs

We offer premium calibration and testing services. Our costs reflect the time, detail and depth of the service we provide. This suits clients who need the lowest uncertainties possible, including commercial laboratories accredited by NATA.

NATA-accredited laboratories can provide results directly traceable to the national standards. They can deliver results with uncertainties that meet the needs of most clients in Australia, at more competitive rates.

Calibration and testing services

We customise our service to meet each client’s needs and quote each project individually.

Consultancy services

We customise our services to suit each client’s needs. We work with clients to understand their measurement issues or opportunities. Our consultancy services includes:

  • measurement uncertainty assessment of temperature and humidity measurements
  • contract research and development under short-term or long-term arrangements
  • advice and support for compliance with documentary standards  by Standards Australia (AS) or International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • technical advice on temperature and humidity measurement or instrument issues
  • guidance for clients seeking funding under the Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Program
  • advice for product development, measurement integrity and quality assurance ISO 17025.

Customised training

We design and deliver bespoke training programs for clients. This is separate to our established training and assessment programs. Our programs can involve training teams and individuals to:

  • use and maintain customised or purpose-built precision instruments, for example, to measure metallic foil thermal emissivity
  • understand traceability and measurement uncertainty
  • develop or maintain a quality system.

We can deliver training in our Lindfield temperature and hygrometry laboratory, or on-site in our clients’ facilities.

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