The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Measurement Standards Unit calibration services

Accurate measurement supports the efficient operation of our economy.

We verify reference standards and calibrate and certify instruments used for trade measurement, quality assurance and legal purposes.

This includes:

  • mass standards (e.g. test weights for verifying the accuracy of weighing instruments)
  • length measures (e.g. rigid rules and calipers used by government agencies to ensure compliance with legislative requirements, polarimeter tubes used as part of the process for determining sugar content)
  • volume measures (e.g. carbon fibre/steel measures for verifying the accuracy of fuel dispensers and glassware used in laboratories).

The calibration of reference standards and measuring instruments provides confidence in the measurements undertaken.

Laboratory locations

We offer calibration services in National Association of Testing Authorities’ accredited laboratories at the following locations.


Our Brisbane laboratory offers calibration services within these ranges:

  • mass:
    • laboratory mass standards with a calibration range from 1 mg to 1000 kg
    • industrial mass standards with a calibration range from 100 g to 5000 kg
  • length:
    • rigid line measures (rigid graduated rules) with a calibration range from 1 mm to 3000 mm
    • precision graticules with a calibration range from 0.1 mm to 20 mm
  • volume:
    • volumetric glassware with a calibration range from 1 mL to 2000 mL
    • industrial volumetric proving measures with a calibration range from 1 mL to 5000 L
    • standard measures with a calibration range from 2 L to 1000 L.


Our Adelaide laboratory offers calibration services within these ranges:

  • mass:
    • laboratory mass standards with a calibration range from 1 mg to 1000 kg
    • industrial mass standards with a calibration range from 100 g to 1000 kg
  • volume:
    • volumetric glassware with a calibration range from 1 mL to 2000 mL
    • industrial volumetric proving measures with a calibration range from 100 mL to 1200 L
    • standard measures with a calibration range from 2 L to 1000 L.


Our Perth laboratory offers calibration services within these ranges:

  • mass:
    • laboratory mass standards with a calibration range from 1 mg to 1000 kg
    • industrial mass standards with a calibration range from 100 g to 2000 kg
  • length: rigid line measures (rigid graduated rules) with a calibration range from 1 mm to 2000 mm
  • volume:
    • volumetric glassware with a calibration range from 1 mL to 2000 mL
    • industrial volumetric proving measures with a calibration range from 10 L to 1200 L
    • standard measures with a calibration range from 2 L to 1200 L.

Request a testing service

To request our services:

  • Read our Measurement Standards Unit calibration terms and conditions
  • Call us on 1300 686 664 to schedule your calibration
  • Email with your details and the details of the instrument owner (if different):
    • company name
    • ABN/ACN
    • postal address
    • physical address
    • contact name
    • email
    • phone
  • Include the instrument details:
    • description
    • range (e.g. 15 L, 1 m, 5 kg to 100 mg)
    • serial number
    • number of items
    • special conditions, e.g. temp points
    • contact name for report or certificate
    • service required
    • whether you need a report and/or certificate.

A testing officer will assess your requirements and contact you to determine a suitable time.

Certificate types

We can issue certificates to use for different purposes. In your request, indicate if you need:

  • regulation 13 and 34C certificates to provide evidence of legal traceability to national standards, including using it as evidence in court
  • a regulation 13 certificate if you use measurement standard for calibrating instruments used for trade or legal purposes
  • a regulation 34C certificate if you use the artefact or instrument to determine a measurement for a legal purpose.

Cost estimate

To estimate the cost of our services view the laboratory fee calculator tool below.

Contact us if you have any questions about our fees.

We price our services in line with the Department of Finance’s Australian Government Charging Framework.

MSU laboratory fee calculator

Our calculator tool can help you estimate the cost of our services.

Enter a number in each relevant field and press the 'calculate estimate' button for your estimated cost total.

Fees may be subject to change after visual inspection of the equipment under test. A member from the Measurement Standards Unit (MSU) will contact clients where an increase in fees will occur before any work starts. In most cases extra fees charges are $238.00 per hour.

Enter quantity per item

GST is added to the total estimated cost when checked

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