The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Selling liquid fuels 

Trade measurement laws regulate the wholesale and retail sale of liquid fuels.

Liquid fuels include, but are not limited to:

  • petrol
  • diesel
  • bio-fuels
  • liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

Fuel dispensers

Fuel dispensers (including each delivery hose of a multi-product fuel dispenser) are measuring instruments used for trade. Under trade measurement law, the person responsible for the use of a fuel dispenser is the person who:

  • is actually or apparently in control of the measuring instrument
  • has it in their possession for trade use
  • makes it available for use.

A customer using a self-serve fuel dispenser is not considered to be a person in control of this instrument under trade measurement law.

If you sell liquid fuel, you must ensure that:

  • the National Measurement Institute (NMI) has approved your type of fuel dispenser and any attached modules (i.e. point of sale system)
  • servicing licensee has verified every fuel dispenser
  • a servicing licensee or trade measurement inspector has sealed every fuel dispensers’ calibration point 
  • all volume is displayed in litres (L)
  • the indicators clearly display the unit price ($ per L) and total price ($)
  • all hoses, nozzles, lights and displays are in good working order
  • a servicing licensee has verified all control systems attached to the fuel dispensers. 

You are responsible for making sure your fuel dispensers are correct at all times.

We recommend that you have all your fuel dispensers checked regularly by a technician licensed by NMI (servicing licensee). For a list of servicing licensees, email

Regulating the sale of liquid fuels

The National Measurement Act 1960 and the National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 regulate how you sell liquid fuel. 

NMI employs trade measurement inspectors throughout Australia. We regularly inspect fuel dispensers to ensure they are measuring correctly and that sellers are following the correct procedure.

If an inspector finds that you are short-measuring your customers, you could be fined up to $222,000 per offence.

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