The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Proficiency testing services

We are an internationally recognised proficiency testing (PT) provider for chemical and gas measurements. PT is a valuable external quality control tool for laboratories.

What’s included with our proficiency testing studies

We evaluate your laboratory’s performance against pre-established criteria, using inter-laboratory comparisons.

We provide independent evidence to determine the validity of your measurements, and to help improve your overall performance.

This includes:

  • offering studies for a wide range of tests and matrices combinations
  • performing rigorous statistical analysis on submitted results
  • providing detailed reports and tailored feedback to participating laboratories.

What you can expect

By participating in our studies, you can:

  • fulfil the ISO/IEC 17025 requirements for your laboratory
  • improve your laboratory’s performance in terms of the accuracy of chemical and gas measurements
  • evaluate and compare methods and procedures used in chemical and gas measurements 
  • identify problems with equipment, sample preparation or data processing procedures
  • identify training needs
  • instil confidence in staff, management and external users of your laboratory service
  • assess the practical application of measurement uncertainty
  • use PT samples for method validation or as control samples in your daily routine analyses

Scheduled proficiency testing in 2025

We have scheduled the following tests for chemical and gas proficiency testing. If you need a test that is not scheduled then contact us about our Rapid PT studies.





  • AQA 25-08 Illicit Drugs – Heroin




View previous years proficiency testing reports.

Any Time – Rapid PT Study

Rapid PT studies can be conducted at any time during the year. They will not be run on a pre-defined schedule.

For instance, participants may need one when they have an audit. Participants will have the option to design their own study: they can select the matrix and group of analytes of interest. The study is “closed” once participant data has been received.

Pre-set assigned values, as per ISO/IEC 17043 requirements, will be used to assess participants’ performance. The performance summary report will be sent to participants within 5 working days of the results submission date, or as discussed.

Participation in these studies will allow laboratories to fulfil the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 and/or the studies can be used for method validation, to train new staff or as a tool for corrective action.

Please send your requests to: For more details please see our NMI rapid PT studies guide.

Gas proficiency testing

We provide gas PT services in areas of strategic importance to Australia. Our PT samples are based on unique gas compositions with studies examining:

  • pipeline natural gas from South-Eastern Australia
  • LNG from the North West Shelf and from processed coal seam gas
  • Environmental measurement and coal mine safety.

Participating isn’t just important for laboratories. It also provides confidence during custody transfers for refineries and pipeline operators. 

We also offer preparative PT studies for reference material producers in the specialty gas industry.

We aim to coordinate a new area of study each year based on participants’ requests.

To suggest a new gas mixture to add to our testing schedule email us at

Chemical proficiency testing 

We provide PT for a range of sectors including environment, agriculture, food and law enforcement. 

We select the analytes and matrices for our PT studies based on participants’ needs and requests. A study can include up to 60 analytes at both high and low levels. 

Our programs are accredited to ISO 17043 cover a wide range of tests:

  • illicit drugs 
  • organic contaminants including pesticides and hydrocarbons
  • dissolved, total and acid extractable metals 
  • physical properties
  • inorganic non-metallic constituents 
  • photosynthetic pigments
  • agricultural soil properties like colwell-p.

We aim to coordinate a new area of study each year based on participants’ requests.

To suggest a new matrix or analyte to add to our testing schedule email us at

How it works

  • We prepare, homogenise and characterise the test samples.
  • We use reference methods to provide assigned reference values traceable to the International System of Units for selected challenging analytes.
  • We collate, statistically analyse and interpret the results returned by participants.
  • We prepare a comprehensive report and distribute it to participants. 
  • We provide advice and educational feedback.
  • We send performance summary reports and longer-term historical reports to each participant.

How to apply

Step 1

Read the Study protocol to find out how the program operates. Then read the Statistical manual to find out how we interpret the results and score participants. The Study protocol was updated on 16 October 2024, and the Statistical manual on 12 April 2024.

Step 2

Read our term and conditions for participating in one of our studies.

Step 3

Find out the current fees for proficiency by emailing

Step 4

Contact the right team to discuss your requirements.

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