The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

AQA 25-01 metals, nutrients and exchangeable bases in soil

March 2025
Sample Analytes Approximate Conc. Range (mg/kg)**
25 g
Dried soil
acid extractable 
As 1-50
Be 1-50
Cd 0.5-25
Cr 5-500
Cu 2-100
Hg 0.2-5
Mn 50-1000
Mo 25-500
Ni 5-500
Pb 2-200
Sb 25-750
Se 2-50
Sn 10-200
V 20-500
Zn 10-300
50 g
Moist soil
acid extractable 
Ag 5-150
As 1-50
Al 500-15000
B 5-150
Ba 5-150
Bi 0.5-10
Co 5-150
Cs 1-20
La 5-150
Li 5-150
Mn 50-1000
Rb 5-50
Se 2-50
Sn 10-250
Tl 0.5-10
U 5-150 
Zn 50-1000
Moisture Content (%) 5-30%
75 g
Agricultural soil
Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, S, Sr 
(acid extractable)
P (total) TBA
Exchangeable bases (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) -
1M NH4Cl extract1
Calcium chloride-extractable B2 TBA
Colwell K, Colwell P TBA
P buffer index (with Colwell P)-PBI+ColP3 TBA
Total Carbon, Total Organic Carbon TBA
Total Nitrogen TBA
pH of 1:5 soil/0.01M CaCl2, EC TBA

Price* AUD$

For national participants: 

  • Any single sample $580
  • Any additional participation sample $240

For international participants:

  • Any single sample $790
  • Any additional participation sample $265


*Shipping costs are included; GST not included.

** As these samples are real samples, the values given are indicative, based on the range of materials used in previous rounds. These ranges will be readjusted in the dispatch letter. 1 Method 15A1. Results to be reported in units of (cmol(+)/kg);  2Method 12C, 3Method 9I2 as defined by Rayment, G.E. and David, J. L in “Soil Chemical Methods-Australia”. 

TBA - to be advised.