Regulations and standards

. Showing 1 to 10 out of 88 results.

Anti-dumping and countervailing system key legislation, directions and policy

Find legislation, directions, guidance and policy that govern the Anti-Dumping Commission's operations.

Anti-Dumping Commission

Supporting the Australian economy by remedying unfair international trade.

Anti-dumping notices (ADNs)

Find Anti-Dumping Commission notices from 2012 onwards.

Anti-Dumping Review Panel

The Anti-Dumping Review Panel reviews, upon application, certain decisions made by the minister or by the Commissioner of the Anti-Dumping Commission.

Anti-Dumping Review Panel review process

There are different processes depending on what type of decision is being reviewed.

Apply for an anti-circumvention inquiry

You can apply for an anti-circumvention inquiry if you are part of the Australian industry producing like goods to those covered by the anti-dumping and countervailing measures.

Apply for anti-dumping or countervailing duties (measures)

You need sufficient support from your industry to apply for anti-dumping or countervailing duties (measures).

Applying for an Anti-Dumping Review Panel review

To apply for a review of a decision of the minister or the Commissioner of the Anti-Dumping Commission, you must submit an application to the Anti-Dumping Review Panel. 

Applying for combination certificates for petroleum projects  

Combining licences avoids the need to assign costs and revenues to individual production licences.

Applying for Indonesia steel tariff rate quota certificates

We manage a tariff rate quota for the export of certain steel products to Indonesia. This reduces costs and delays for Australian exporters.