The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Apply for anti-dumping or countervailing duties (measures)

You need sufficient support from your industry to apply for anti-dumping or countervailing duties (measures).

You can apply through your industry association or several companies can submit information separately if there are confidentiality issues.

Before you apply

Before you submit your application we can provide a free document check to help ensure you have all necessary documentation. Read more about this service in the pre-lodgement documentation check guidelines. 

Contact us for information and support through an Anti-Dumping Commission client support officer. 

How to apply

To apply for an anti-dumping or countervailing measure to be imposed, you need to use the approved form. You must also supply a non-confidential version of your application for the public record. 

Confidential information

Learn about confidential and non-confidential information in applications to the Anti-Dumping Commission.

Lodging an application form

You can request to lodge electronically by emailing us

You can lodge an application by:

  • email
  • post
  • SIGBOX (SIGBOX is our secure online lodgement platform and is the best solution for lodgements containing large files or attachments. Contact us to arrange access).

We take an application as lodged or received when a commission staff member first receives it. 

Our staff are on duty to receive applications from 9:00am to 5:00pm (AEST or AEDST) on business days. They are not available during Australian Capital Territory public holidays or during the annual closedown.

For more information, please refer to the relevant application form and guidelines.

Examination process

Within 20 days we will examine your application and decide whether to reject it or start an investigation. 

We will determine if the application meets all the requirements of the form, and if there is an Australian industry currently producing like goods to the alleged dumped or subsidised goods. If the commissioner decides there are reasonable grounds to publish a dumping or countervailing duty notice, we will start an investigation.

Read the guidelines to understand how we examine applications

Applying to withdraw an application

If you decide to withdraw all or part of your application, you need to submit the withdrawal form:

After measures are imposed

Applying for the continuation of measures

Anti-dumping measures expire after five years. You can apply to continue the anti-dumping measures if you are either:

  • the original applicant for the measures
  • representing the whole or a portion of the Australian industry producing like goods to those covered by the measures.

At least 9 months before the measures expire, we will publish a notice inviting applications to continue the measures. If we haven’t received your application within 60 days of this notice being published the anti-dumping measure will expire on the specified expiry date.

Read the guidelines before submitting your application

Application form

Applying for a review of measures

If you believe levels of dumping or subsidies have changed since measures were imposed or last reviewed, you can apply to have the measures reviewed or revoked. 

If you want to apply for a review of anti-dumping measures you can do this 12 months after publication of the original notice imposing measures, or the outcome of the last review. 

Read the guidelines before submitting your application

Application form for review or revocation of measures

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