The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Drugs in sport analysis

Our Australian Sports Drug Testing Laboratory analyses doping controls for sports.

We do this under the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC).

We provide WADC-compliant testing services to:

  • national anti-doping organisations
  • international sporting federations 
  • major event organisers.

Our clients include:

  • Sports Integrity Australia (SIA)
  • Integrity Sport and Recreation Commission (SICNZ)
  • Oceania Regional Anti-Doping Organization (ORADO).


We are accredited by:

Reference materials

The National Measurement Institute supports doping-free sport by selling internationally certified reference materials to support the WADA’s Athletes Biological Passport program

Find out more about our:

Sports doping control

We produce reference materials to ISO 17034:2016(E) General requirements for the competence of reference materials producers.

World Anti-Doping Agency and Partnership for Clean Competition funded anabolic steroids

Our World Anti-Doping Agency and Partnership for Clean Competition funded reference materials are NATA accredited, and to ISO 17034 General requirements.


We collaborate to develop new and improved detection methods for prohibited substances and methods. These research programs are funded through:

  • SIA
  • WADA
  • US PCC
  • International Olympic Committee (IOC). 

There are opportunities for universities and other organisations to work collaboratively with us. Students can also join our laboratory to conduct work that leads to Honours, MSc and PhD degrees.

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