Energy sector

We support energy security including developing methods for electrical measurements, and producing internationally comparable reference gases for the natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) industries.

Australia’s energy resources and infrastructure are essential to our economy

We provide independent, local, top-level measurement expertise. We support energy sector stakeholders including:

  • Australian Government, state and territory agencies and regulatory bodies
  • test and calibration laboratories at electricity and gas supply utilities 
  • specialty gas, natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) companies
  • oil industry licensees
  • National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) and NATA-accredited laboratories
  • Standards Australia
  • researchers, including universities and CSIRO
  • power equipment manufacturers
  • manufacturers of measurement instruments, including electricity and flow meters 
  • professional associations and industry groups.

Our services underpin:

  • the safe and reliable operation of Australia’s electricity and gas supply networks
  • the trade of electricity and natural gas 
  • trade of electrical measurement instruments.

Our work

We ensure:

  • the energy industry’s technical infrastructure needs are supported by a sustainable, competitive, trained and competent network of measurement laboratories, utility meter verifiers and servicing licensees 
  • measurements made by Australian laboratories, utility meter verifiers and servicing licensees are fit for purpose and accepted internationally.

We support local manufacturers that export high-voltage and high-tech gas products.

We develop solutions to the measurement challenges of metering renewable gases and hydrogen.

We also:

  • provide pattern approval testing and certification services
  • align pattern approval requirements in Australia with international recommendations to the extent they are in the national interest
  • minimise regulatory burdens through quick and cost-effective services and National Instrument Test Procedures (NITPs).

Core responsibilities 

To help Australia’s energy sector operate safely and reliably, we:

We provide:

  • calibration services
  • technical advice and consultancy
  • research and development.

We are the only provider of most high-level energy-related measurement services in Australia.

Our work

We’re the only provider of most high-level energy-related measurement services in Australia. We provide calibration and testing services, including:

We also can provide:

Our work also includes support to:

  • align pattern approval requirements in Australia with international recommendations to the extent they are in the national interest
  • minimise regulatory burdens through quick and cost-effective services and National Instrument Test Procedures (NITPs)
  • local manufacturers that export high-voltage and high-tech gas products.
  • develop solutions to the measurement challenges of metering renewable gases and hydrogen.

Transport fuel sector

People expect to get what they pay at the fuel pump. We’re here to support fuel inspectors, licensees, manufacturers and the oil industry with calibrate services.

At our Londonderry Flow Facility we can calibrates flow meters for:

  • petrol
  • diesel.

We also understand how essential it is for the environment that Australia takes advantages of other fuels. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) burn more cleanly and generate less greenhouse emissions than petrol or diesel. With CNG used widely in Australian bus fleets, the fuel industry is planning to roll out more CNG and LPG filling stations over the next few years. 

We can calibrate flow meters for:

We also produce reference gases for natural gas and liquid natural gas (LNG) industries to support custody transfer.

Discussions with Australia’s LNG and LPG stakeholders highlighted the lack of proficiency testing services for measuring LPG composition. 

We make and certify reference LPG mixtures. We also take part in a key comparison of gas composition measurements organised by the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance (CCQM).

We also run proficiency training services. These support the accuracy of custody transfer values based on product composition specifications.

Electrical sector

High-voltage testing

Our High Voltage Laboratory contains Australia’s largest high-voltage hall. We:

  • offer high-voltage calibration and impulse voltage testing
  • supply state of the art high-voltage measurement devices and software.

We also have a mobile high-voltage laboratory. The mobile laboratory can transport reference equipment and standards to client sites anywhere in Australia.

Impulse high-voltage testing

To ensure that our electricity networks are reliable, all high-voltage power equipment must withstand lightning strikes.

Therefore we must test all products used in high-voltage electricity networks with artificially generated lightning voltage.

NMI has 3 roles in impulse high-voltage testing in Australia.

  • We provide traceable calibrations to Australian calibration and testing laboratories.
  • We also provide testing services for voltage levels and products that are beyond all other laboratories in the country. Our high-voltage laboratory is the only one in Australia that can test equipment with rated voltages of 220kV, 330kV and 500kV. For 500kV transmission systems, lightning impulse test voltages can be as high as 2400kV.
  • We represent Australia at IEC Technical Committee 42 (IEC TC42), which develops international standards for high-voltage lightning impulse measurement and calibration.

Dielectric testing

To revise the documentary standards that determine how dielectric testing of high-voltage apparatus is performed, NMI has led two IEC TC42 working groups. Some of these standards are now based on reference values of lightning impulse waveforms based on our research. We offer methods and systems to implement the new standards, including a mobile facility.

Electrical training

We also provide training to Australian industry through our electrical measurement courses and technical presentations at power industry conferences.

Renewable energy and smart grids

Research into calibration and testing

The use of new technologies leads to new measurement requirements. This may include:

  • renewable electricity
  • distributed generation
  • energy efficient appliances and lighting.

Australian electrical calibration and testing laboratories face new challenges as the demands on measuring instruments increases. They need to have more:

  • accuracy
  • range
  • versatility.

NMI conducts extensive research to meet these needs.


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