The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Australian Government funded projects AIP plan summaries

Find current AIP plan summaries for Australian Government funded projects.

Published summaries may not be accessible for all readers. If you encounter any issues accessing a summary, please contact us

Publication Year/Number Company Name Project name Category AIP Plan Summary
25/04 Kestrel Mine Ventilation Air Methane Abatement Project Grant
25/03 Edify Green Hydrogen Project and Hub (EGH2 Hub) Grant
25/02 Recovering heat to enable transformative emission reductions at Shoalhaven Grant
25/01 Vast Solar 1 (VS1) project in Port Augusta, South Australia Grant
24/11 N2O Reduction - Nitric Acid Ammonium Nitrate (NAAN) Tertiary Catalysts Grant
24/10 Hybrid Renewable Energy Project Grant
24/08 Railton Alternative Fuels Transformation Grant
24/01 Hank CEFC
22/23 Transport for NSW, Mount Ousley Interchange, M1 Princess Motorway – Mount Ousley Intersection Payments to States and Territories
22/22 Southern Positioning Augmentation Network (SouthPAN) Procurement
22/21 Thunderbird Mineral Sands NAIF
22/20 PBS stationery products Procurement
22/19 Finance Multiplex Melbourne Centre Procurement
22/18 Finance Multiplex Brisbane Centre Procurement
22/17 Finance Multiplex Perth Centre Procurement

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