The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Initiatives and services


Australian SKA Fellowships Programme

The Australian SKA Fellowships Programme establishes stronger links between Australian organisations and the SKA Observatory.

Australian Space Agency

The Australian Space Agency coordinates civil space matters across government and supports the growth of Australia’s space industry.

The agency is a specialist division of our department. It is committed to:

  • advancing Australia’s role as a responsible and sustainable actor in civil space
  • creating an environment for the space sector to grow
  • supporting space activities and technologies that inspire and improve the lives of Australians. 

Australian Space Discovery Centre

Be inspired with stories of innovation, curiosity and technology from the space sector—in person, from home or the classroom.

Biological reference materials

We produce genetic reference standards for health, food and environmental applications.
Round 3 applications are closed

Boosting Female Founders (BFF) Initiative

We help women entrepreneurs grow their startups in national and international markets through the BFF Initiative.

This program provides targeted support on a co-contribution basis to female founders of startup businesses to scale into domestic and global markets. It also offers expert mentoring and advice to a select number of eligible applicants.

Building and construction

We aim to ensure Australia's building and plumbing industries are safe, accessible and sustainable.

State and territory governments regulate building and construction activities in Australia. 
The Australian Government collaborates with state and territory governments to promote nationally consistent regulations through the National Construction Code (NCC). 
We do this through the Building Ministers’ Meeting (BMM) and the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). 

Building Ministers’ Meeting

The Building Ministers' Meeting (BMM) oversees policy issues affecting Australia’s building and construction industries.

The BMM brings together Australian Government and state and territory government ministers responsible for building and construction. The Australian Government minister responsible for the building industry chairs the BMM.

The BMM works to:

  • harmonise building regulations and standards
  • collaborate on compliance and enforcement.

It sets the strategic direction for the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). The ABCB is a multi-jurisdictional standards writing body. It oversees development of the National Construction Code (NCC).

Read more about these roles and responsibilities in the Intergovernmental Agreement on the ABCB website.

Read more about how we promote collaborative building and construction policy.

Contact us


Post: BMM Team, GPO Box 2013, CANBERRA ACT 2601

Business Registration Service

The Business Registration Service (BRS) enables Australian businesses to apply for key business and tax registrations in one place. It reduces the time and complexity to register a new business, or apply for additional registrations.

BRS connects with existing Australian Government registration services, and is a cost-effective way that government agencies can provide these services. 

Business Research and Innovation Initiative

Encouraging Australian startups and small-to-medium enterprises to develop innovative solutions to government challenges.
Funding for this round is closed.

Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII): automatic mutual recognition of occupational registrations (AMR) round

The Australian Government seeks innovative solutions to improve occupational licencing information sharing and uptake of the AMR scheme. AMR helps workers share their occupational registrations and licences across Australian states and territories.

The BRII program creates opportunities for businesses to find innovative solutions to government challenges.
