The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Implement and manage your AIP plan

Project proponents and operators must implement and manage AIP plans throughout the project phase and initial 2 year operational phase (if your project is establishing a new facility).

To meet your obligations under the Australian Jobs Act 2013 project proponents and operators must:

  • report your compliance against the AIP plan
  • notify the AIP Authority of any changes in your project
  • keep detailed records.

Compliance reporting

Once the AIP Authority approves your AIP plan, you need to demonstrate compliance with the plan for the project’s duration. New facilities will need to continue reporting for 2 years into the facility’s operation.

You must submit a compliance report to the AIP Authority for every 6 month reporting period. The report describes how you have implemented your AIP plan and details the contracts awarded to Australian entities.

There are 2 types of compliance reports:

  • If your project has a SmartForm AIP plan you must use the SmartForm compliance report. Read the user guide for SmartForm compliance reports for more information. 
  • If your project has a paper AIP plan you must use the compliance report templates (located further down this page). Read the user guide for compliance reports for more detailed instructions. 

If you are uncertain about which report to use, contact us.

Project phase compliance report

Project proponents must report their progress against their approved AIP plans from approval of the AIP plan until the project is completed.

If you have a SmartForm AIP plan, fill out the SmartForm project compliance report. The AIP Authority will send you a link to the SmartForm after approving your AIP plan or accepting a previous report.

If you have a paper AIP plan:

  1. Complete the Compliance report template – project phase.
  2. Email the completed report and evidence to

Operations phase compliance report

The operator of a new facility must start reporting when procurement activity for the operations phase commences and continue to report every 6 months for 2 years into the new facility’s operation.

If you have a SmartForm AIP plan, fill out the SmartForm operations compliance report. The AIP Authority will send you a link to the SmartForm after approving your AIP plan or accepting a previous report.

If you have a paper AIP plan:

  1. Complete the Compliance report template – operations phase.
  2. Email the completed report and evidence to

Using a consultant to complete compliance reports 

You may use consultants to assist you to complete your compliance reports. You will need to authorise the consultant (using a letter of authorisation or similar) to act on your behalf and discuss particulars of a specific project with the AIP Authority.

Project proponents and operators must sign the compliance reports and take responsibility for implementing their AIP plan. A project proponent or facility operator cannot discharge their obligations except to another project proponent.


Project proponents and operators of new facilities must retain AIP plan records for 5 years.

Amending AIP plans

You should advise the AIP Authority of any changes to the approved AIP plan when they happen.

These may include:

  • minor administrative amendments, like changing contact personnel
  • changes to the scope or timing of the project or its anticipated goods and services.

Your AIP plan summaries may need to be updated.

You will generally need to prepare and submit a replacement AIP plan if there are changes to your AIP plan activities and commitments.

If the project is cancelled before completion, you must notify the AIP Authority. You will need to provide a final compliance report covering the period up until cancellation.

Changing project proponents or operators

You must notify the AIP Authority whenever there is a change to the project proponents or operators for the project. This includes any change in entity name, ABN or ACN, or removal or insertion of a project proponent or operator from those specified in the approved AIP plan. The AIP Authority will determine if you are required to replace your AIP plan.

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