The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Building Ministers’ Meeting

The Building Ministers' Meeting (BMM) oversees policy issues affecting Australia’s building and construction industries.


We release a communiqué after each meeting.

23 April 2020

Building Ministers’ Meeting: Communiqué April 2020

The Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF) met in late April to discuss the impacts of the current COVID-19 crisis on the building and construction industry, and agree the way forward for the design, construction and certification of complex buildings. The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) updated Ministers on the key achievements with implementing the recommendations in the Building Confidence Report.
13 December 2019

Building Ministers’ Forum: Communiqué December 2019

The Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF) met today in Canberra to discuss progress and agree next steps with the suite of important national building reforms underway. Ministers acknowledged the extensive work done since they last met on 18 July but agreed there is more to be done.
18 July 2019

Building Ministers’ Forum: Communiqué July 2019

The Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF) met today in Sydney to discuss a range of issues facing the building and construction sector. Ministers also met with industry representatives and discussed matters including professional indemnity insurance and implementation of the Building Confidence report.
8 February 2019

Building Ministers’ Forum: Communiqué February 2019

The Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF) met today in Hobart to discuss progress with priority issues relating to the safety of Australian buildings, and public confidence in the building and construction industry.
10 August 2018

Building Ministers' Forum Communiqué: August 2018

The Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF) met in South Australia at the Adelaide Oval today.


Jurisdiction Name Title
Commonwealth Hon Ed Husic MP Minister for Industry and Science
ACT Mr Chris Steel MLA Treasurer, Minister for Planning and Sustainable Development, Minister for Heritage, Minister for Transport
NSW Hon Anoulack Chanthivong MP Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading, Minister for Industry and Trade, Minister for Innovation, Science and Technology, Minister for Building, Minister for Corrections
NT Hon Josh Burgoyne MLA Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment, Minister for Corporate and Digital Development, Minister for Water Resources
Qld Hon Sam O'Connor MP Minister for Housing and Public Works and Minister for Youth
SA Hon Nick Champion MP Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Housing Infrastructure, Minister for Planning
Tas Hon Felix Ellis MP Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Minister for Housing and Planning, Minister for Skills and Training
Vic Hon Harriet Shing MLC Minister for Development Victoria and Precincts, Minister for Housing and Building, Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop
WA Hon Sue Ellery MLC Minister for Finance, Minister for Commerce, Minister for Women's Interests