The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

nuts and bolts

NMI’s compliance activities ensure fair trading practices in the Australian economy. 

This includes making sure that: 

  • measuring instruments are accurate 
  • packaged goods contain the right amount of product 
  • trader practices are fair.

During 2023-24, NMI inspectors:

  • audited more than 5,000 traders nationwide, from inner city to remote Australia
  • checked more than 236,000 individual pre-packaged items
  • tested more than 8,000 measuring instruments
  • carried out more than 1000 trial purchases. 

During the hardware and building supplies audit from 11-15 November, trade measurement officers will conduct 300 trader audits across Australia. These audits will cover a wide range of products from building supplies like grout and gyprock through to electrical and plumbing supplies.

NMI’s trade measurement programs also respond to reports from the public. For more information or to report suspected measurement issues, contact the national trade measurement helpline on 1300 686 664 or