Comments welcomed on offshore oil and gas decommissioning framework

Consultation on the framework for decommissioning offshore petroleum infrastructure is now open for public comment, along with forums in Perth and Melbourne in October and November.
Image of offshore oil rig

Offshore oil rig

We are seeking comments on a discussion paper about the policy, regulatory and legislative framework for decommissioning offshore petroleum infrastructure in Commonwealth waters.

The discussion paper is an important first step in our review of the decommissioning framework. Released to stimulate discussion on the decommissioning framework, the paper outlines:

  • a brief overview of the current decommissioning framework
  • identified issues associated with the current decommissioning framework and suggested options for how these could be resolved
  • decommissioning and financial security approaches taken by offshore petroleum sectors in comparable overseas jurisdictions, as well as in domestic onshore petroleum and mining, and offshore greenhouse gas injection and storage


We are seeking comments on the issues, opportunities, options and questions posed in this paper, as well as on any possible enhancements to the decommissioning framework. You can provide your comments until 16 January 2019.

Provide input on the discussion paper.

Discussion forums

We are also holding discussion forums to talk about the issues and options, and seek feedback on the paper.

Forums will be held in:

  • Perth: Tuesday 30 October, 1:30-4:30pm [register]
  • Perth: Wednesday 31 October, 1:30-4:30pm [register]
  • Melbourne: Friday 2 November, 1:30-4:30pm [register]

Please register by Friday, 26 October 2018.

If there is sufficient interest, we will consider running sessions or conducting bilateral meetings with stakeholders in other capital cities near major offshore petroleum activity. To register your interest in a session in Adelaide or Darwin, please email by Friday, 26 October 2018.

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