National Radioactive Waste Management Facility site declaration: have your say

A National Radioactive Waste Management Facility is one step closer, following the decision to issue an intention to declare Napandee near Kimba as the proposed site for the facility.
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A National Radioactive Waste Management Facility is one step closer, following the decision to issue an intention to declare Napandee near Kimba as the proposed site for the facility.

A National Radioactive Waste Management Facility is one step closer, following the decision to issue an intention to declare Napandee near Kimba as the proposed site for the facility.

The Minister for Resources and Water, the Hon Keith Pitt MP, has announced his intention to make a declaration under the National Radioactive Waste Act 2012.

This declaration would confirm part of the land at Napandee as the site for the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility (NRWMF).

The intention is announced under section 18 of the Act. Persons with rights or interests are invited to comment on the declaration by Friday 22 October 2021.

Comments can be made online via our Consultation hub.

You can also download the form and mail it to the address given on the form.

Submissions close Friday 22 October 2021.

Next steps

Following the consultation period, the Minister will consider relevant comments. He may then declare Napandee as the site for the facility.

The Australian Government would then take steps to acquire the site to host the facility.

The project is an emotive issue for many, including the Traditional Custodians of the Napandee site, the Barngarla people.

The Australian Radioactive Waste Agency will continue to work in a way that respects the views of those who have concerns.

This announcement is another step towards a $31 million Community Development Package to support the local host community.

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