The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Train carrying shipping containers in country area

The Harmonisation of Rail Standards (HoS) Research Report highlights the barriers and potential benefits in aligning national rail standards. The report informs ongoing work as part of the National Rail Procurement and Manufacturing Strategy.

The HoS report estimates an expected investment of over $155 billion in rail over the next 15 years. Australia has 29 separate rail networks that make up our rail system. Each of these uses different systems technology and processes. The report explores current challenges and actions which would align standards across Australia’s rail networks. 

It would offer new opportunities for the domestic manufacturing industry. This would strengthen our skills base and capability to build and maintain rolling stock and its components. It will improve the safety and operation of rail for both people and goods across the country. A national standards approach would also accelerate progress towards net zero emissions.

These groups commissioned the HoS report:

  • The Australasian Railway Association (ARA)
  • National Transport Commission (NTC)
  • Office of National Rail Industry Coordination (ONRIC) 
  • Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB). 

Harmonising standards is a pillar of the National Rail Procurement and Manufacturing Strategy and a focus area of NTC’s National Rail Action Plan.