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Growth Centre: METS Ignited

Case study from: Growth Centres Success Stories

Are you interested in preparing your Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) business for a digitally enabled future? The Industry Growth Centres Initiative and the Entrepreneurs’ Programme are helping managers in the METS industry develop the skills and capabilities they need, for today, and tomorrow.

Digital Disruption Masterclass

The METS Growth Centre, METS Ignited, has worked with its sector to identify the skills and knowledge gaps managers need addressed to improve current and future business performance. METS Ignited has partnered with the Entrepreneurs’ Programme to deliver a targeted Masterclass series to meet these skills needs: covering topics including: Digital Disruption, Winning More Work, the Workforce of the Future and Effective Capital Strategies.

The Digital Disruption Masterclass was delivered in 10 cities across Australia, with over 150 industry members representing over 100 METS companies. Participants reported that they gained a better understanding of the impact that digital disruption is having on the mining sector, and recognised the need for their company to respond both strategically and operationally. Participants developed actionable plans for incorporating their products and services into the digital mining value chain.

Further Masterclasses will be delivered in 2018. METS is just one of the sectors where businesses are unlocking their success with Australia’s Industry Growth Centres Initiative. If your business has unrealised potential, now could be your time.

Participant Feedback

What part of the class was most valuable for your organisation?

“Insight into the mining industry and how I can provide a service”

“Understanding technologies in the pipeline and how they need to be considered today”

“Knowing what’s ahead in technology and what could be integrated in the future”