The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

The Modern Manufacturing Initiative opens funding for National Manufacturing Priority areas

More support for the space sector announced today under the $1.3 billion Modern Manufacturing Strategy.

More support for the space sector announced today under the Modern Manufacturing Strategy.

The Modern Manufacturing Initiative (MMI) opens with funding now available for the Space sector.

The MMI is the centrepiece of the Australian Government’s Modern Manufacturing Strategy (MMS). The MMI will help manufacturers to scale up and create jobs to lift manufacturing capability, drive collaboration, and identify new opportunities to access domestic and global supply chains.

Funding streams

The MMI is now open providing co-funding for manufacturing projects across 2 of the 3 targeted manufacturing streams:

  • Manufacturing translation stream: helps Australian manufacturers translate high quality research and ideas into commercial outcomes
  • Manufacturing integration stream: helps Australian manufacturers to access domestic and global supply chains and produce and distribute quality products and high value services into them

Australian Government funding will be provided on a co-investment basis and will cover up to 50% of project costs.

The funding opportunity supports the government’s 6 National Manufacturing Priorities. Eligibility expands with the release of each area’s road map, starting with space.

Road map for the space sector

The Space National Manufacturing Priority road map was launched today and is the first of 6 to be released supporting the areas of comparative advantage and strategic importance.

The Space road map will help to lift space manufacturing capability, driving collaboration by helping Australian businesses demonstrate their space-qualified products, and identifying new opportunities for space manufacturers to access domestic and global supply chains. 

Opportunities are now open under the MMI for co-funded proposals in the space sector.

Businesses in other National Manufacturing Priority sectors will be able to apply under the MMI once their relevant road map has been launched in the coming weeks.

Each roadmap outlines the vision, opportunities and actions to support manufacturing businesses to scale in each national priority area.

Join the MMI webinar

Find out more about the MMI and funding rounds in our info session on 24 February 2021. Register your interest to join the webinar.

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