Data sources
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Social Research Centre (2023) Graduate outcomes survey (GOS) 2023 national tables [data set], Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT), accessed 24 June 2024.
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—— (2022) 2022–23 STEM influencer – Teacher and career adviser survey, report to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources, YouthInsight, accessed 13 October 2022.
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—— (2021), 2021-22 Youth in STEM survey, report to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources, YouthInsight, accessed 18 November, 2021.
—— (2021) 2020–21 STEM influencer – Teacher and career adviser survey, report to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources, YouthInsight, accessed 25 March 2021.
—— (2021) 2020–21 STEM influencer – Parents survey, report to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources, YouthInsight, accessed 25 March 2021.
—— (2021) 2020–21 STEM Influencer – Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander educator survey, report to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources, YouthInsight, accessed 25 March 2021.
—— (2020) 2019–20 Youth in STEM survey, report to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources, YouthInsight, accessed 26 March 2020.
Additional resources
These resources include explanatory notes on source data and definitions.
AlphaBeta (2018) Digital innovation report: Australia’s $315b opportunity, report to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s (CSIRO’s) Data 61, CSIRO, Australian Government, accessed 29 January 2020.
Attorney General’s Department (AGD) (2015) Australian government guidelines on the recognition of sex and gender, AGD, Australian Government, accessed 24 September 2019.
Australian Academy of Science (AAS) (2019) Women in STEM: Decadal plan, AAS, Australian Government, accessed 29 January 2020.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (2001) Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED), 2001, cat no. 1272.0, ABS, Australian Government, accessed 6 October 2022.
—— (2013) Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 (revision 2.0), cat no. 1292.0, ABS, Australian Government, viewed 6 October 2022.
—— (2022) Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), 2021 cat no. 1220.0, ABS, Australian Government, accessed 24 November 2022.
—— (2008) Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), cat no. 1297.0, ABS, Australian Government, accessed 6 February 2020.
—— (2020) Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), ABS, Australian Government, accessed 12 December 2022.
Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) (2016) School subject coder, AIFS, Australian Government, accessed 18 October 2022.
Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) (unpublished) (2021) Maths subject classification, data set supplied to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources, AMSI, accessed 1 November 2022.
Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) (2022) Australian public service employee census explanatory guide, APSC, Australian Government, accessed 28 November 2022.
—— (2022) Job family framework, APSC, Australian Government, accessed 28 November 2022
—— (2019) APS employee census 2019 – Participant information, APSC, Australian Government, accessed 11 October 2021.
Department of Industry, Science and Resources (2019) Advancing women in STEM, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Australian Government, accessed 29 January 2020.
—— (2020) Advancing women in STEM: Action plan, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Australian Government, accessed 6 December 2020.
Social Research Centre (2019) Study areas, Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) website, accessed 15 December 2019.
Thomson S, De Bertoli L, Underwood C, Schmid M (2019) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018: Reporting Australia’s results, volume 1 student performance, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), accessed 12 December 2019.