Confidence in STEM
Girls are most confident in science and least confident in engineering. This has remained the same since the survey program began in 2018–19.
Generally, girls’ confidence fell in all STEM subjects as they got older. The following table shows girls’ confidence in STEM subjects at different ages:
Subject |
12–13 years |
14–17 years |
18–21 years |
22–25 years |
Science |
69% |
66% |
57% |
60% |
Technology |
74% |
48% |
49% |
59% |
Engineering |
31% |
30% |
24% |
30% |
Mathematics |
54% |
65% |
51% |
50% |
Interestingly, the women aged 22–25 years showed higher confidence than women aged 18–21 years for science, technology and engineering. This was not the case for women in the previous survey, where women aged 22–25 years showed the lowest (or equal-lowest) confidence of all age groups.
While the differences are slight, this could be an encouraging indication that women at early-career age are increasingly more confident in their abilities in STEM subjects, compared to women in the same age category 2 years earlier.
Importance of STEM knowledge for jobs
Girls considered technology and mathematics skills to be important to future employment. This is consistent with results across the survey program.
- Technology was the most important subject for girls in 2023–24. 80% of girls thought it was important, compared with 85% of boys.
- Engineering remained the least important subject for girls. Just 55% of girls thought it was important to get a good job in future, compared with 69% of boys.
Intention to study STEM in the future
Consistent with previous surveys, girls in years 6 to 8 were less likely than boys to choose STEM elective subjects overall in future (60% compared to 81%).
In years 9 and 10, there was no significant difference in intention to study STEM elective subjects overall in future. The likelihood of choosing specific STEM electives was skewed by gender, but not as much as in the 2021–22 survey.
Girls were significantly more likely to choose biology, which was also found in the 2021–22 survey. While girls were also indicatively more likely to choose chemistry in 2023–24, this difference is no longer significant.
Boys were significantly more likely to choose industrial technology, which was also found in the 2021–22 survey. While skews towards boys in years 9 and 10 are still present for the following STEM electives, they are no longer significant:
- physics
- design and technology
- information and digital technology
- engineering.
In years 11 and 12, the significant difference between girls and boys reappears. Girls in years 11 and 12 were less likely than boys to choose STEM elective subjects overall in future (31% compared to 47%). As people in these year levels are considering their higher education study intentions, this finding suggests that girls are more likely than boys to complete their formal STEM education at high school. Girls who continue their studies are less likely to choose STEM fields of education.
Reasons for not studying STEM in the future
Respondents who indicated they were not considering further study in STEM were asked for their reason.
Most girls in this group agreed they wouldn’t study STEM in the future because it did not lead to the career they wanted and they weren’t interested in the subjects.
Girls’ agreement with the following reasons was significantly higher than boys:
- It’s not related to the career I want (76% compared to 69%)
- I’m not really interested in the subjects (72% compared to 59%)
- They are too hard for me (52% compared to 40%)
- I’m not very good at math (48% compared to 39%)
- Don’t think I’m smart enough (42% compared to 31%)
Aspirations for a STEM career in the future
Girls were half as likely as boys to aspire to a career in STEM – this is similar to previous surveys. 22% of girls wanted a STEM career compared to 43% of boys.
In the 2021–22 survey, 21% of girls wanted a STEM career, compared to 42% of boys.
The most popular STEM career girls aspired to was Scientist (8%). For boys it was Computing or IT (17%), followed by Engineer (16%), Scientist (7%) and Data Analyst (7%)
Girls from these diversity groups were more likely to aspire to a STEM career:
- metropolitan locations: 24% of girls wanted a STEM career, compared to 19% of girls from regional/rural areas
- culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds: 30% of girls wanted a STEM career, compared to 18% of girls from non-CALD backgrounds.
20% of First Nations girls aspired to a career in STEM – only slightly lower than non-First Nations girls at 22%.