Abstract image featuring photos of a diverse range of Australians doing STEM activities

Since March 2023, we’ve spoken with hundreds of people across Australia about diversity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Thank you for all the valuable insights about the barriers and challenges you face in STEM. 

The independent panel has used those insights to form the Pathway to Diversity in STEM Review draft recommendations. Now we’d like to continue the conversation and we’re asking for your feedback. 

The draft recommendations align with 4 key themes: 

  • Improving leadership and governance to make sure efforts and initiatives are evidence-based, support all underrepresented cohorts, and are accountable for accelerating change. 
  • Addressing culture and community attitudes towards STEM to break stereotypes and increase visibility of career pathways for underrepresented cohorts. 
  • Supporting life-long learning in STEM to make sure education settings are safe, supportive, and meet diverse needs. 
  • Changing how STEM workplaces attract and retain underrepresented employees, including supporting and growing diversity in leadership. 

Have your say on the draft recommendations

Read recommendations from the panel and let us know your thoughts on our consultation hub. Submissions close 8 September 2023.
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