The NMI plans forward compliance activities in line with the financial year and publishes planned industry focus areas in our annual legal metrology priorities report.
Compliance activities are organised into programs that run throughout the financial year. The program duration varies – it may run throughout the whole year, for 6 months or be a week-long concentrated audit. During concentrated audit programs, all trade measurement inspectors focus on a target industry for one week.
Compliance program outcomes for the 2023–24 financial year are detailed in the following sections.
Regional, remote and First Nations communities
During this annual program, trade measurement inspectors visit traders in regional, remote and First Nations community areas. During these visits in 2023–24, inspectors:
- visited 541 business premises
- tested 1,100 measuring instruments
- checked 4,825 pre-packaged article lines
- conducted 73 trial purchases.
- 64 measuring instruments that were not verified
- 65 measuring instruments that were inaccurate to the consumer advantage
- 19 measuring instruments that were inaccurate to the consumer disadvantage
- 98 lines of pre-packaged goods with short measure
- 108 lines of pre-packaged goods with non-compliant labelling
- 18 failed trial purchases.
Identified non-compliances included:
The NMI issued 196 non-compliance notices for the following breaches:
- 94 related to measuring instruments
- 55 related to pre-packaged goods
- 47 for failure of trading practice (for example, shortfall offences from trial purchases).
Some stores were issued with more than one non-compliance notice or were issued with a non-compliance notice covering more than one breach.
Two warning letters were sent.
Compliance confidence – ‘Tare It’ program
This program aims to ensure the ongoing compliance of retailers of meat, fish, poultry, fruit and vegetable, deli and small goods products. During the 2023–24 program, which ran from January to June 2024, NMI trade measurement inspectors re-visited non-compliant traders that were identified during the 2022–23 ‘Tare It’ program. Inspectors:
- visited 918 business premises
- tested 648 measuring instruments
- checked 4,979 lines of pre-packaged goods
- conducted 219 trial purchases.
- 34 measuring instruments that were not verified or tested before first use
- 21 measuring instruments that were inaccurate to the consumer advantage
- 7 measuring instruments that were inaccurate to the consumer disadvantage
- 245 pre-packaged goods with short measure (goods contained less product than what was represented on the package)
- 406 packaged article lines with non-compliant labelling
- 58 failed trial purchases.
Identified non-compliances included:
The NMI issued 191 non-compliance notices for the following breaches:
- 49 related to measuring instruments
- 76 related to pre-packaged goods
- 66 for failure of trading practice (for example, shortfall offences from trial purchases).
Some stores were issued with more than one non-compliance notice or were issued with a non-compliance notice covering more than one breach.
The NMI issued 3 warning letters and one infringement notice.
Marketplace intelligence
During this annual program, NMI trade measurement inspectors focused on products sold by length, and agricultural supply goods (stockfeed, seeds and animal nutritional products). The intelligence gathered during this program informs the NMI’s industry risk assessments and future compliance programs. In 2023–24, inspectors:
- visited 383 business premises
- tested 907 measuring instruments
- checked 7,078 pre-packaged article lines
- conducted 109 trial purchases.
- 74 measuring instruments that were not verified
- 30 measuring instruments that were inaccurate to the consumer advantage
- 36 measuring instruments that were inaccurate to the consumer disadvantage
- 309 pre-packaged goods with short measure (goods contained less product than what was represented on the package)
- 206 lines of pre-packaged goods with non-compliant labelling
- 39 failed trial purchases.
Identified non-compliances included:
The NMI issued 210 non-compliance notices for the following breaches:
- 70 related to measuring instruments
- 87 related to pre-packaged goods
- 53 for failure of trading practice (for example, shortfall offences from trial purchases).
Some stores were issued with more than one non-compliance notice or were issued with a non-compliance notice covering more than one breach.
The NMI issued 4 warning letters and 7 infringement notices.
Complex measuring instruments
For this program, NMI’s trade measurement inspectors target traders who own complex measuring instruments such as weighbridges, truck-mounted flow meters and wheeled loader weighers. These high-capacity measuring instruments are used in various industries to trade large quantities of commodities such as coal, wheat, fuel and waste. In 2023–24, NMI’s trade measurement inspectors conducted 66 audits, of which 12 (18.2%) were found to be non-compliant. Ninety-six instruments were tested, with:
- 3 found to be not verified
- 5 found to be inaccurate to consumer disadvantage
- 2 found to be inaccurate to consumer advantage.
The NMI responds to complaints received from consumers and businesses on our website and through our helpline. The helpline received 2,959 calls during the 2023–24 financial year. In response to complaints we:
- visited 492 business premises
- tested 951 measuring instruments
- checked 707 lines of pre-packaged goods
- conducted 36 trial purchases.
- 38 measuring instruments that were not verified
- 48 measuring instruments that were inaccurate to the consumer advantage
- 33 measuring instruments that were inaccurate to the consumer disadvantage
- 24 lines of pre-packaged goods with short measure (goods contained less product than what was represented on the package)
- 39 lines of pre-packaged goods with non-compliant labelling
- 14 failed trial purchases.
Identified non-compliances included:
The NMI issued 135 non-compliance notices for the following breaches:
- 90 related to measuring instruments
- 20 related to packaged goods
- 25 for failure of trading practice (for example, shortfall offences from trial purchases).
Some stores were issued with more than one non-compliance notice or were issued with a non-compliance notice covering more than one breach.
The NMI issued one infringement notice.
Servicing licensee, public weighbridge and verifier audits
In 2023–24, the NMI conducted 553 verifier audits, of which 442 (79.9%) were compliant. The NMI also checked 969 verifier instruments, of which 842 (86.9%) were compliant.
In 2023–24, the NMI conducted 34 service licensee audits, of which 23 (67.6%) were compliant and 11 (32.4%) were non-compliant.
In 2023–24, the NMI conducted 43 public weighbridge audits, of which 36 (83.7%) were compliant and 7 (16.3%) were non-compliant.