The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Medical imaging

CTCP invites solutions to market-led challenges of national significance using quantum technologies.

Round 1 of the CTCP will fund feasibility projects for 14 consortia, with grants totalling $5.2 million. They will tackle challenges as diverse as:

  • making a high-speed optical scanner for diabetes assessment
  • using quantum computing for remote community energy systems with renewable energy sources
  • developing resilient communications and navigation of autonomous systems without GPS 
  • creating a new quantum optical sensor which will enable selective mining of rare-earth elements in clay deposits 
  • developing diagnostic technology to detect the ‘Invisible Melanoma’.

The $36 million Critical Technologies Challenge Program is part of the Australian Government’s National Quantum Strategy. We expect to open round 2 in late 2024.