Our department recognises the First Peoples of this nation and their ongoing connection to culture and country. We acknowledge First Nations Peoples as the Traditional Owners, Custodians and Lore Keepers of the world’s oldest living culture and pay respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
Our Corporate plan 2022–23 explains who we are, what we do and where we are going.
It outlines our:
- purpose, key activities and strategic priorities
- operating environment
- capability
- portfolio entities and stakeholders
- risk management and oversight
- governance
- performance measures.
Acknowledgement of Country
About the artist and artwork
Ms Lynnice Church is a Ngunnawal, Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi woman who resides in Canberra. A contemporary Aboriginal artist, Lynnice is self-taught and has painted since she was a young girl. Her artwork reflects the continuing connection of Aboriginal culture in the context of today’s society. She has always been passionate about all forms of art as expression, particularly Aboriginal art and culture and interpreting this into a modern day landscape.
The artwork shows the importance of listening, sharing and building knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture to create a culturally safe space. This is shown by the 2 shields and people sitting either side of the centre circle which symbolises the rich culture and experiences that our people bring and are able to share. The centre circle shows this point of connection and the importance of relationships that can only be built through respect, collaboration and trust.
Secretary’s introduction

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources and our broader portfolio are integral to the Australian Government’s economic agenda. Our purpose is to help the government build a better future for all Australians through a productive, resilient and sustainable economy enriched by science and technology. We do this by:
- growing innovative and competitive businesses, industries and regions
- investing in science and technology
- strengthening the resources sector.
In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, we work with other Australian Government agencies, states and territories, international counterparts and a range of external stakeholders. This enables us to deliver integrated policy advice and implement effective policies and programs.
Our portfolio is at the heart of the government’s plan to revitalise Australian industry and make the most of new and emerging technologies. This will create productive, sustainable and high-value jobs in the economy of tomorrow. The portfolio supports businesses and industries by reducing barriers to productivity, designing appropriate regulatory frameworks and providing targeted investment and services.
The department helps Australia’s industrial and resource sectors respond to the ongoing pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters and economic adjustments. We place people and businesses at the centre of our programs and services, consistent with the broader Australian Public Service reform agenda.
We work effectively thanks to the capability of our staff, systems and practices. We do everything with integrity and strive to be a model employer. We will maintain our collaborative, supportive and inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and can perform at their best.
This corporate plan for 2022–23 to 2025–26 sets out how we will achieve our purpose and deliver the government’s priorities. It provides an overview of our operating environment, strategic priorities, activities, risks, capabilities, and how we measure our performance.
I am pleased to present our corporate plan as required under paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. This is our main planning document and was prepared according to the requirements of the PGPA act.
I look forward to reporting on our progress in the performance statements included in our annual report.
Our key activities and strategic priorities
Our purpose
Building a better future for all Australians by enabling a productive, resilient and sustainable economy, enriched by science and technology.
We will achieve our purpose through the following key activities and strategic priorities.
Key activity 1.1: growing innovative and competitive businesses, industries and regions
- Diversifying and transforming Australia’s industry to secure future prosperity through the National Reconstruction Fund, which will target investments in priority areas, including:
- renewables and low emissions technologies
- medical science
- transport
- value-add in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors
- value-add in resources
- enabling capabilities.
- Delivering grants programs to:
- address barriers to scale and competitiveness for Australian manufacturers
- develop domestic manufacturing capabilities
- benefit regional communities
- upskill the sector’s workforce to ensure Australia can make things again.
- Implementing the Australian Made Battery Plan to guide governments and industry towards a shared vision of end-to-end battery manufacturing.
- Boosting critical supply chains and economic resilience by encouraging diversification of Australian industry and its imports, and promoting Australia as a reliable, responsible and sustainable partner. This includes bolstering capability to identify and address risk in critical supply chains.
- Enhancing regulatory settings for businesses and the community through harmonised national frameworks that promote ethical and sustainable market growth, the responsible use of technology and encourage business collaboration, innovation and investment. For example, implementing country of origin labelling for the seafood industry will enable consumers to make informed decisions on their purchases.
- Implementing the Buy Australian Plan to improve the way Australian Government contracts work, ensuring more procurement opportunities are available to Australian businesses and their employees.
- Maximising the benefits of sovereign space technologies and data, including using them to address challenges such as natural disasters and climate change. This includes supporting the creation and adoption of critical technologies and maintaining a responsible regulatory framework for space sector activities.
- Boosting collaboration, commercialisation and use of Australian research and development by:
- enhancing our dialogues and partnerships in science and technology, both in Australia and internationally
- providing medium to long-term funding for industry-led research collaborations through the Cooperative Research Centre Program
- helping businesses transform through the Entrepreneurs’ Programme
- co-administering the Research and Development Tax Incentive.
Key activity 1.2: investing in science and technology
- Building a stronger science sector to help solve challenges, improve productivity and wellbeing, and boost the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) pipeline.
- Investing in Australia’s technology capabilities such as quantum, robotics and artificial intelligence to boost our economy and create high-value jobs that will help retain talent in Australia.
- Ensuring Australia has the advanced measurement science it needs to accelerate our economy and support global trade, by developing and harnessing the expertise of the National Measurement Institute.
- Securing long-term science and technology capabilities by investing in Questacon’s grassroots science engagement activities and ensuring they reach diverse communities, including those in remote and regional Australia.
- Supporting Australia’s digital capability through targeted initiatives to accelerate the adoption of technologies and foster transformation across the economy.
Key activity 1.3: supporting a strong resources sector
- Growing national prosperity through a strong and resilient resources sector that continues to create sustainable and high-value jobs, including in regional and remote communities and maintains Australia's reputation as a stable and reliable energy supplier to overseas markets.
- Supporting the sector to contribute to the global transition to net zero through emissions reduction, and capitalising on opportunities presented in a low-emissions economy.
- Accelerating the growth of Australia’s critical minerals sector to support new clean-energy technologies in Australia and overseas, including delivery of the Critical Minerals Strategy.
- Addressing community expectations on environment, social and governance credentials. This includes strengthening First Nations engagement, and examining options to improve gender equality, skills and safety in the resources sector.
- Encouraging proactive planning for decommissioning offshore oil and gas projects and overseeing decommissioning of the Laminaria–Corallina oil fields and Northern Endeavour facility.
- Implementing reforms to secure and ensure oversight of our domestic gas supply, including reforming the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism.
- Progressing a responsible and sustainable framework to manage and dispose of radioactive waste.
Our operating environment
An uncertain and complex economic environment
The Australian economy has shown significant resilience to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing natural disasters, and geopolitical instability and their associated domestic and global implications. However, the economic environment remains uncertain and subject to continued disruption including in industrial, financial and energy markets. The Australian economy must keep adjusting to remain productive, resilient and sustainable.
Our economy’s short-term growth will be affected by the rapid rise in global inflation and associated substantial tightening in financial conditions, exacerbated by ongoing supply chain disruption and skills shortages. Our long-term prosperity relies on continued productivity growth. And yet, Australia’s productivity growth has slowed over the past decade, as it has in other advanced economies. Reasons for this include a structural shift towards services, low rates of cutting-edge innovation domestically, and companies adopting new technologies at a slower rate.
Factors that will influence our policy advice and program implementation include:
- responding to the implications of geo-strategic shifts
- the challenge of adapting to and mitigating against climate change
- supporting equitable outcomes for all Australians – including economic empowerment for disadvantaged groups such as First Nations people
- our continued demographic transition
- technology changes that will shape how we work and live.
Growing business and industry
In this operating environment, we will support the government strengthen Australia’s prosperity by stimulating high-growth industries and increasing commercialisation of Australian research.
We are establishing the $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund (NRF), a major part of the government’s Future Made in Australia agenda. The NRF will target projects and investments that help Australia capture new, high‑value market opportunities to help Australian businesses grow and succeed. It will diversify and transform Australian industry to help create secure, high-value jobs and drive sustainable economic growth.
The NRF will complement existing grant programs that develop domestic manufacturing capabilities and upskill the sector’s workforce.
The importance of secure and resilient supply chains has been demonstrated over recent years. Our Office of Supply Chain Resilience will support the government to work with domestic and international partners to identify and monitor vulnerabilities and improve resilience to facilitate ongoing access to essential goods and services.
The world is currently in an acute energy crisis against the backdrop of a longer term transition to lower emission energy sources, both of which have significant implications for individuals and businesses. We will support the government’s broader energy market reform agenda, to ensure Australian industry has access to secure and affordable energy as they transition to lower emission energy sources.
We are providing targeted support to critical and emerging technologies that make the most of Australia’s potential and deliver solutions to real-world problems – for both commercial and societal gain. This includes support for next-generation technologies, such as quantum, robotics and artificial intelligence.
To lift our commercialisation performance, we will support entrepreneurs and businesses to invest in research and innovation, create new ideas, scale up and grow. This will promote the translation of Australia’s world-class business research and ideas into new, high value and in-demand products and services.
We will drive the delivery of the Australian Made Battery Plan, including publishing Australia’s first National Battery Strategy, supporting the creation of a battery Manufacturing Precinct, and implementing a Powering Australia Industry Growth Centre focusing on commercialisation, international market access, management and workforce skills, and opportunities for regulatory reform.
The Australian Made Battery Plan complements other government priorities including the NRF, Powering Australia (including the National Electric Vehicle Strategy and Australia’s emissions reduction target), Rewiring the Nation, the Critical Minerals Strategy and the Buy Australia Plan.
We will ensure a responsible regulatory framework for space activities and that space services, capability and investment supports Australia’s transition to a high-tech future, including underpinning our manufacturing industries.
Rapid scientific and technological advancement
Science and technology are key to addressing national challenges. They underpin the development of new jobs, businesses and industries, and enable existing industries and business to innovate and grow. We will support the government to create an environment that supports Australian know-how and harnesses investments in science and technology to improve the lives of Australians, contribute to national wellbeing and build our industry, science and research capabilities.
We are revitalising the National Science and Research Priorities and renewing the National Science Statement to provide a long-term vision for Australian science and support stronger alignment of effort and investment, to deliver greater benefits for all Australians.
We are partnering internationally to showcase Australian knowledge and ensure we have access to resilient critical technology supply chains. We work with domestic and international organisations to ensure Australia’s regulatory environment encourages investment, establishes trusted technology frameworks, and shapes global standards and ethics that will guide the development of safe and trusted technologies.
We ensure Australians receive the maximum benefits from rapidly advancing digital technologies. We encourage small and medium businesses to adopt digital technologies, make sure Australians have the digital skills to participate in the modern workforce, and contribute to the development of regulation to guide those developing or using new technologies. We monitor and coordinate digital technology policies across government so they are cohesive and consistent.
We will continue encouraging greater diversity and inclusion of women and under-represented groups in STEM. The government has commissioned an independent review of the effectiveness of existing government programs in these areas and the cultural and structural barriers to participation and retention. The results of the review will help us identify and use approaches that improve diversity and inclusion.
We will continue working with the science and research community to promote, enable and harness Australia’s world‑leading scientific research. Our public research institutions – including the CSIRO, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), the National Measurement Institute (NMI), and Geoscience Australia – ensure Australia has access to world‑leading research infrastructure and expertise.
In 2023 we’ll start construction of the Square Kilometre Array, an innovative global project that will expand our understanding of the universe and support jobs and growth in regional Australia.
Questacon continues to strive to engage all Australians with science, technology and innovation, and connects communities across Australia with STEM opportunities.
NMI continues delivering independent, specialised measurement services and regulation that strengthens the international competitiveness of Australian businesses and underpins confidence in products and services for all Australians.
All of this contributes to creating a resilient economy through high-value jobs being retained in Australia, consistent with the government’s objective of growing technology-related jobs to 1.2 million by 2030.
Supporting a strong resources sector
A strong, competitive and sustainable resources sector is crucial to a thriving Australian economy. Our resources sector will provide export and employment opportunities, particularly in regional Australia, well into the future.
The resources sector has an important role in the transition to net zero emissions, both in Australia and internationally. We will prioritise the Critical Minerals Strategy and support the sector to seize the opportunities of this transition. This includes supporting the deployment of emissions abatement technologies across the sector and growing our critical minerals sector to provide the inputs required for low emissions technologies.
Australia’s resources sector can play a critical role in the global transition to net zero. We will keep supporting collaboration between governments to attract international investment in Australian critical minerals projects and support the sector to build, scale and grow its downstream processing capabilities.
Australia’s coal and gas exports will support our trading partners as they implement decarbonisation initiatives to achieve net zero. Gas will continue to have a role in Australia, ensuring energy security while we increase renewable energy generation. We will also work to understand the emissions impacts of coal and gas in Australia’s energy mix and support an orderly transition to net zero.
We need to carefully balance our domestic energy security with the needs of trading partners, who invest in our resources sector and rely on Australian commodities for their own energy security. A key priority early in 2023 is to support the government to reform the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism and ensure there is sufficient domestic supply of gas to support our consumer and industrial needs.
We will ensure a sustainable and responsible approach to environmental management, including for offshore oil and gas activities and the way we manage radioactive waste. For example, we will continue to work with the offshore petroleum industry and regulators to encourage early and proactive planning for decommissioning and to ensure titleholders meet all costs and liabilities over the life of the project, including for decommissioning activities. We will also promote sustainable mine closure practices through the government’s participation in rehabilitation planning and regulation at the Ranger and Rum Jungle sites in the Northern Territory.
In supporting a strong resources sector, we will reinforce whole-of-government priorities including improving First Nations engagement, promoting gender equality and onsite safety to ensure that the development of Australia’s resources is done safely and benefits all Australians.
Our capability
The Department of Industry, Science and Resources was created on 1 July 2022 following machinery of government changes announced on 1 June 2022. We gained responsibility for the Critical Technologies Policy Coordination Office, the Office of Supply Chain Resilience and the Digital Technology Taskforce. Our climate change and energy functions were transferred to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
We have restructured our department to align our functions with government priorities and to build policy and corporate centres of excellence that support our key activities. The department maintains cross-cutting policy and corporate capabilities that service the whole department. These include international and economic and data analytics capabilities, as well as corporate enabling capabilities.
Our employees are our greatest asset, and investing in their capability will help us deliver the corporate plan. We will maintain and develop a capable and professional workforce with the right tools and processes to do their jobs.
Our next People strategy will be finalised in 2022–23. It will promote modern ways of working across our national footprint, using technology and innovative learning approaches. It will drive our approach to attracting and retaining talent.
We are creating an environment that celebrates diversity, where employees feel they are safe and belong through our:
- Accessibility action plan 2020–2025
- Inclusion strategy 2021–2023
- Safety, health and wellbeing strategy 2020–2023.
Shared services
We have a national footprint across Australia so our people can work directly with stakeholders. Our 3000-plus workforce operates from more than 60 locations in Australia and overseas supporting the work of the department and government.
Our Business Grants Hub works closely with policy partners to deliver grant administration services in 11 different Australian Government agencies. We also provide payroll and financial management systems to 12 Australian Government agencies. In 2022–23 we will strengthen our service provision and introduce new ways to measure customer satisfaction.
Technology and data
In 2022–23 we will develop and provide technology platforms that provide effective and efficient service. Our priority is to create a sustainable ICT environment that delivers effective workplace collaboration, innovation, security management, and greater staff productivity. This will reflect our status as a mature, data-driven organisation and improve policy outcomes for businesses and the Australian community.
Our Data strategy 2021–2024 helps our department work more efficiently, improves how staff access and use data, and manages our response to the new Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022.
We will deploy more sophisticated data capabilities (such as econometrics, data science, geospatial analysis and modelling) to respond to challenges and opportunities across our policies and programs.
We will raise data literacy by ensuring our employees:
- know what data to use to solve problems
- can apply critical thinking to understand and address data’s strengths and limitations
- use data strategically to shape policy and deliver effective programs, regulations and services.
Our portfolio entities and stakeholders
We work closely with the specialised agencies and entities in our portfolio. We deliver services for the Australian community, whole economy and other Commonwealth portfolios.
Beyond our portfolio, we work with a diverse range of stakeholders and partners to support the government, industry, businesses and the Australian community.
We are responsible for whole-of-government coordination and advice on cross-cutting policy issues, including critical technologies, the digital economy and supply chain resilience. We draw on our strong relationships across the Australian Public Service to deliver these responsibilities.
The department does not have any subsidiaries.
- First Nations People
- businesses
- resources
- science organisations
- universities
- international partners
- consumer bodies
- professional associations
- not-for-profit organisations
- state, territory and Commonwealth entities
The department and its portfolio entities use these tools to support sectors and stakeholders:
- programs
- policies
- regulation and legislation
- service delivery
- data and analysis.
Our risk management and oversight
We have embedded a proactive risk management approach in our policies and processes, equipping staff with practical tools and techniques to make balanced and informed decisions in changing circumstances.
Our governance structure oversees the enterprise risk framework to ensure we can respond to evolving opportunities and threats in line with our enterprise risk appetite.
By communicating openly and honestly about risk, and actively engaging with it, we will:
- respond to rapidly changing operating environments
- engage with new and emerging risks
- pragmatically address the risks we share across the department and with other stakeholders.
Our Risk Management Framework is aligned with the Commonwealth Risk Management Policy. We will continue refining the framework to reflect contemporary risk management practices.
The tables below outlines our enterprise risks and how we manage each one.
Enterprise strategic risks
Risk |
Risk management approach |
Confidence and trust risk: We maintain the confidence and trust of government, industry and the public. |
We assess our outcomes against performance measures that are monitored regularly and published in our annual report.
We engage, consult and collaborate with stakeholders to maintain confidence in our ability to deliver strategic initiatives and programs that support government policy.
We actively manage risks, including incorporating new or emerging risk considerations into our governance.
We keep the government and our ministers informed and prepared. |
Delivery risk: We deliver key activities to achieve the department’s strategic priorities. |
Relationship and influence risk: We are influential, including with our complex and extensive stakeholder networks. |
Staff capability risk: We attract, develop and retain the people capability we need. |
We use agile employment and deployment models to maximise outcomes and opportunities for staff. We continue to mature diversity and inclusion strategies and provide all staff with leadership development opportunities in a supportive environment. |
Enterprise operational risks
Risk |
Risk management approach |
Information and system security risk: We protect our information and information systems. |
We continue to evolve our roadmap for optimising information and communication technology opportunities in response to security challenges. We strive to ensure our protective security is effective, meets the highest standards and aligns with government frameworks. |
Safe work environment risk: We maintain a work environment that is safe and promotes wellbeing. |
We create a safe working environment for all that is free from physical or psychological harm through governance of work health and safety practices and ongoing consultation with staff. |
Integrity risk: We maintain good governance and ethical standards and adhere to our legal obligations. |
Our governance approach supports transparency in decision-making, accountability and integrity.
Our Executive Board and its sub-committees manage enterprise risk oversight. This ensures risks are managed appropriately and we can respond to evolving opportunities and threats in line with the enterprise risk appetite.
We implement government priorities in line with legislation, frameworks and guidance. |
Financial risk: We maintain our financial sustainability. |
We implement financial governance mechanisms to ensure efficient, effective and transparent expenditure of public monies. We have open discussions to reallocate funding where required. We follow policy and legal requirements for necessary checks and qualifications before allocating any funding, grants or subsidies. |
Our governance
Our strong governance arrangements support our decision-making – by ensuring transparency, accountability and integrity are applied to all of our activities.
Our governance committee structure includes the Executive Board and its sub-committees. Sub-committees cover people and culture, financial management, security and program performance.
Our committee structure provides assurance and oversight of our management responsibilities and supports compliance with legislative, regulatory, financial and other obligations. This helps the Secretary in discharging their oversight and governance obligations.
Our performance
We measure and report on our performance to track progress against our purpose and key activities. This demonstrates accountability to our ministers, the government, the parliament and the Australian public. Our performance is reported in our annual report.
Our performance measures relate directly to our purpose and key activities. The measures are both qualitative and quantitative to assess our outputs, efficiency and effectiveness over time.
Performance information for each key activity is set out as follows:
- performance measure: used to track progress toward an intended result.
- why this matters: the impact, difference or result we want to achieve to support the key activities and purpose.
- targets: what success will look like.
- data sources: the information we will use to measure our performance against the target.
- changes from previous year: this field is included for the first time in this corporate plan. It allows comparisons between reporting periods.
Our purpose
To assist the government to build a better future for all Australians by enabling a productive, resilient and sustainable economy, enriched by science and technology.
Our portfolio budget statement (PBS) outcome statement
Support economic growth, productivity and job creation for all Australians by investing in science, technology and commercialisation, growing innovative and competitive businesses, industries and regions and supporting resources.
Activity 1.1: growing innovative and competitive businesses, industries and regions
This activity aims to support the growth of innovative and competitive businesses, industries and regions, and build a diversified, flexible, resilient and dynamic economic base that can identify and adapt to new markets and emerging opportunities. It relates to PBS 2022–23 Outcome 1, Program 1.2
Performance measure |
Why this matters |
Target 2022–23 to 2025–26 |
Data sources |
Changes from previous year |
1. Business co‑investment through portfolio initiative funding |
Investment in targeted sectors, including manufacturing and commercialisation, will support sustainable, private sector led growth and job creation, and will have many flow-on benefits to the broader economy. Effectiveness |
Maintain an average of at least $1.20 of business co-investment for every $1 of grant funding for portfolio programs that require business co‑investment |
Data maintained internally by AusIndustry’s Business Outreach & Engagement Branch |
The performance measure is retained from the Corporate plan 2021–22 with an amended ratio-based target providing a more specific co-investment target than the previous year-on-year increase target. |
2. Proportion of grants and services delivered to regional businesses |
As a significant contributor to Australia’s economy, helping unlock the economic potential of our regions through supporting regional businesses to enable job creation is key to helping Australia’s long-term growth and sustainability. By measuring the proportion of our grants and services being delivered in the regions, we can ensure that we are providing regional businesses with the support they need to succeed. Output |
25% or more total grants or services delivered to regional businesses
Data maintained within the business grants management system and departmental customer relationship management system (CRM). |
This is a new performance measure for 2022–23.
3. Applicant satisfaction with the overall experience of the grants application process through the business.gov.au portal |
The department provides a substantial number of grants to businesses and other organisations across Australia through portfolio programs. Efforts are made to ensure that the application processes are as user-friendly and efficient as possible for applicants. By ensuring the application process is satisfactory for customers, we are making it easier for businesses to engage with government and access the support they need to grow. Output |
Benchmark to be established in 2022–23, from there on the target is year-on-year maintenance or increase in average satisfaction score. |
Business.gov.au benefits management customer survey |
This is a new performance measure for 2022–23. |
4. Effective regulation to assure the safety and security of space activities |
Ensuring that accident or incident recommendations, which are made by an independent accident or incident investigator appointed by the minister, are promptly resolved contributes to the safe regulation of Australian space activities. Effectiveness |
Year-on-year decrease in the number of unresolved safety recommendations per authorised space activity. |
Internal data maintained by the Australian Space Agency |
This is a new performance measure for 2022–23. |
5. Proportion of major projects that are compliant with their approved Australian Industry Participation (AIP) plans |
By ensuring compliance with AIP plans, the AIP Authority helps ensure that Australian entities are provided full, fair and reasonable opportunity to supply key goods to major Australian projects. Effectiveness |
100% |
Notifications maintained by Sovereign Capability and Supply Chains Division |
This measure is retained from the Corporate plan 2021–22. |
6. Applications for registration of research and development activities through the Research and Development Tax Incentive (R&DTI) are processed within:
By processing registrations within these timeframes, the department is ensuring that the flow-on effects for companies from this incentive flow quicker into the economy enabling businesses to receive the tax offset benefit quicker so they can reinvest in additional R&D activities. Efficiency Timeliness measure as a proxy for efficiency Output measure in relation to compliance |
95% of companies processed within the allotted timeframes |
Processing times are measured through analysing application, assessment and approval documentation stored internally by the department. Secondary administrative data for the R&DTI is drawn from the Research and Development Incentive Administrative System (RADIAS). |
The performance measure is retained from the Corporate plan 2021–22. |
7. Grow the number of technology-related jobs to 1.2 million by 2030 |
Australia’s technology and digital capability is vital in supporting Australian businesses’ competitiveness, scale and resilience. Australia’s technology sector is vital to our economy, currently contributing about $167 billion annually and accounting for 8.5% of GDP. This measure enables the department to track the growth of Australia’s digitally intensive industries and to ensure that progress towards the government’s target of reaching 1.2 million technology-related jobs by 2030 is on track to being achieved. While we are a significant contributor to this measure, there are many factors outside of our control that contribute to the achievement of this target. Effectiveness |
Year-on-year increase |
ABS Cat. 6291.0.55.001, Labour Force, Australia, Detailed |
This is a new performance measure for 2022–23. |
Removed performance measures for activity 1.1
Performance measure |
Changes from previous year |
The median time to complete a grant application for a merit, eligibility or competitive grant |
This measure has been removed as further assessment of this metric over time was more relevant as an internal priority. |
Maintain transparency with stakeholders and the public on anti-dumping matters |
This measure has been removed as the nature of the activity was more relevant as an internal priority. |
Activity 1.2: investing in science and technology
This activity aims to boost our science and technology capability to facilitate the development and uptake of new ideas and technology and build a strong base for science to be used in Australian decision-making. It relates to PBS 2022–23 Outcome 1, Program 1.1.
Performance measure |
Why this matters |
Target 2022–23 to 2025–26 |
Data sources |
Changes from previous years |
8. Number of businesses establishing research-focused collaborations that are facilitated by portfolio programs |
Bridging science and industry through business–research collaboration is essential to help Australia solve problems and bring new technologies, products and services to the market. To drive this collaborative culture, the department runs a number of initiatives to support business–research collaborations. This measure will drive accountability to ensure grants awarded develop research-focused collaborations. Effectiveness |
Maintain the number of businesses collaborating year on year. |
Data maintained internally by AusIndustry’s Business Outreach & Engagement Branch and Science Division |
The performance measure is retained from the Corporate plan 2021–22 with amendment to the target. |
9. Raising awareness of the importance of STEM through the delivery of portfolio initiatives |
Skills in STEM are not only important for a thriving scientific and technology-enabled economy, and to support Australia’s recovery from COVID-19, but are also vital in equipping young Australians with the skills required to undertake the jobs of the future. Departmental policies and programs support community-wide STEM engagement. While we are a significant contributor to this measure, there are many factors outside of our control that contribute to the achievement of this target. Effectiveness |
Proportion of Australians (parents, educators and young Australians) who consider STEM skills important when considering employment: >87%.
STEM influencer reports produced by Youth Insight, Student Edge for the Department of Industry, Science and Resources, gathered through a nationwide survey of a representative sample of the target population. |
The performance measure is retained from the Corporate plan 2021–22 with amendment to the target. |
10. Number of third-party accreditations maintained to ensure NMI measurement services meet national and international best practice |
Australia is a trade-oriented economy, and a trusted measurement system reduces technical barriers to trade, helps Australian businesses engage in international and domestic markets, and maintains Australia’s standing with our trading partners. Our measurement system also:
Effectiveness |
Maintain global acceptance of over 300 measurement capabilities under the Mutual Recognition Arrangement of the International Committee of Weights and Measures. Maintain NMI’s 24 National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accreditations across calibration and testing, reference material production, and proficiency testing functions. Maintain World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accreditation for NMI’s sports drug testing capability. |
NMI internal databases. National Association of Testing Authorities. World Anti-Doping Agency.
This is a new performance measure for 2022–23. |
Removed performance measures activity 1.2
Performance measure | Changes from previous year |
Number of measuring instruments verified for accuracy by NMI appointed inspectors and verifiers. | This measure has been removed as it relates to trade measurement compliance activity and outcomes which are separately reported annually by NMI. |
Activity 1.3: supporting a strong resources sector
This activity aims to support the sustainable development of the resources sector, attract private sector investment and encourage innovative technologies. It relates to PBS 2022–23 Outcome 1, Program 1.3.
Performance measure |
Why this matters |
Target 2022–23 to 2025–26 |
Data sources |
Changes from previous years |
11. Grow Australia’s critical minerals sector, including by supporting development of downstream processing capacity |
Australia has significant reserves of a number of critical minerals, and the potential to process them, which are vital to the economic security of global economies. Markets for these minerals and processed products are characterised by concentrated global critical minerals supply chains, leading to price and supply risk for sectors like defence, transport, energy generation and telecommunications. Growing the critical minerals sector in Australia will deliver economic benefits for Australians, including through increased trade and job creation. This will also contribute to diversifying global critical minerals supply chains and position Australia as an ethical, reliable and secure suppler of critical minerals. While we are a significant contributor to this measure, there are many factors outside of our control, such as market movements, which contribute to the achievement of this target. Effectiveness |
Year-on-year increase in the number, progress and total capital expenditure of critical minerals projects |
The department’s annual Resources and energy major projects report |
This measure is retained from the Corporate plan 2021–22. |
12. Increase opportunities for resources project investment |
The release of offshore acreage and new titles for petroleum and greenhouse gas storage exploration is critical to ensuring ongoing new investment in the resources sector, ensuring future energy supply and enabling the abatement of carbon emissions. Output |
At least one of the following per year:
Information about each acreage release is published on the department’s website. Titles information is available on The National Electronic Approvals Tracking System (NEATS) and published in the Australian Government Gazette Notices. |
This is a new performance measure for 2022–23. |
13. The National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) published assessment timeframes for applications made under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Storage Act 2006 (OPGGSA) are met 90% of the time |
Efficient processing of applications supports a strong offshore resources sector by creating business certainty and reducing project timelines. Efficiency |
90% |
Application assessment data drawn from the NEATS internal database system (TERI) |
This measure is retained from the Corporate plan 2021–22. |
14. Safe and effective administration and operation of Australia’s offshore oil, gas and greenhouse gas (GHG) industry |
Australia’s resources sector is vital to economic prosperity and is an important driver of export income and high-skilled jobs, particularly in regional Australia. Conducting regular policy reviews enables the government to evaluate the efficacy of the regulatory environment and to drive accountability in ensuring offshore oil, gas and GHG industries drive improvements in safety through effective policy enforcement. Output |
Identify, review and implement policy reforms to improve regulatory framework for offshore oil, gas and GHG industry (qualitative measure) |
Internal tracking data maintained by Oil and Gas Division |
This is a new performance measure for 2022–23. |
Removed performance measures for activity 1.3
Performance measure |
Changes from previous year |
Total expenditure on resources exploration |
This measure has been removed as it was considered that other measures provided more appropriate basis for the measurement of performance against this key activity.
Progress strategic and/or commercial international partnerships which aim to grow Australia’s critical mineral sector |
This measure has been removed as it was considered that other measures provided more appropriate basis for the measurement of performance against this key activity. |
Alignment between our outcomes, programs and key activities
This year’s corporate plan includes changes to our performance measures that reflect a review of our performance framework to:
- identify areas for improvement
- align them with our functions and organisational structure
- ensure compliance with s16EA of the PGPA Rule.
We conducted the review after publishing the 2022–23 Portfolio Budget Statements. This means that some of the performance measures in this plan do not reflect those in the PBS.
The following table describes how our outcome statements and programs align with our key activities as at 1 July 2022.
Outcome statements (PBS 2022–23) |
Programs (PBS 2022–23) |
Key activities (Corporate plan 2022–23) |
Outcome 1: support economic growth, productivity and job creation for all Australians by:
Program 1.1: investing in science, technology and commercialisation |
Key activity 1.2: investing in science and technology |
Program 1.2: growing innovative and competitive businesses, industries and regions |
Key activity 1.1: growing innovative and competitive businesses, industries and regions |
Program 1.3: supporting resources |
Key activity 1.3: supporting a strong resources sector |