The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

International Trade Remedies Forum evaluation report

Date published:
28 September 2022

The International Trade Remedies Forum (ITRF) is the key stakeholder body advising the Australian Government on anti-dumping issues.

It includes representatives from Australian:

  • manufacturers and producers
  • importers
  • unions
  • government agencies.

This evaluation was completed under the previous government. It is the first time the department has evaluated the ITRF.

The evaluation assessed whether the forum was meeting its legislative purpose and whether the legislation was still relevant. It found that the ITRF’s legislative purpose remains appropriate, and that the stakeholders value its legislative status.

The report outlines the following recommendations:

  • implement changes to enhance the ITRF’s effectiveness in providing advice to the Minister
  • engage with a broader range of stakeholder views including small business and consumers
  • develop terms of reference for the ITRF
  • change some of the ITRF’s operational procedures.

The recommendations aim to improve the effectiveness of the ITRF and in its role in advising the government.

The then minister accepted the recommendations in 2021.

The department and the Anti-Dumping Commission will consult with ITRF members to implement the recommendations.