The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

The Resources and energy quarterly contains the Office of the Chief Economist’s forecasts for the value, volume and price of Australia’s major resources and energy commodity exports

 A ‘medium term’ (5 year) outlook for Australia’s major resource and energy commodity exports is published in the March quarter edition of the Resources and energy quarterly. The June, September and December editions contain a ‘short term’ (2 year) outlook.

Underpinning the forecasts contained in Resources and energy quarterly is the Office of the Chief Economist’s outlook for global commodity prices, demand and supply. The forecasts for Australia’s commodity exporters are reconciled with this global context.

The global environment in which Australia’s producers compete can change rapidly. Each edition of Resources and energy quarterly factors in these changes, and makes appropriate alterations to the outlook, estimating the impact on Australian producers and the value of their exports.


As at 20 April 2021, a revision has been made to historical export volume figures for gold in tabs 38 and 40 of the “REQ March 2021 Historical Data” spreadsheet. This revision did not affect any other figures in the rest of the spreadsheet or report.

Previous digital publication

We have simplified this publication to downloadable files only.

Access the previous digital publication of Resources and energy quarterly: March 2021 on the National Library of Australia Trove website archive.