Data insights
In 2023, women made up 29% of workers in STEM industries. This increased by 1 percentage point from 2022 (28%). 25% of senior managers in STEM industries were women, which was also an increase of 1 percentage point from 2022 (24%).
Women made up 78% of workers in health industries and 51% of workers in all industries (which includes STEM, health and non-STEM industries). These results were similar to 2022.
Scientific research services remained the STEM industry with the largest representation of women. Women made up 65% of workers in that industry. 58% of Heads of Business in this industry were women, as well as 47% of senior managers, and 63% of other managers.
The highest proportion of women in senior STEM management positions were in Key Management Personnel roles (27%) and other manager roles (26%). The lowest proportion were in CEO positions. Women made up 10% of CEOs across all STEM industries, compared to 47% of CEOs in health industries and 24% of CEOs across all industries.