Commodity group


Goods Covered by the Investigation

Flat rolled products of iron and non-alloy steel of a width equal to or greater than 600mm, plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys, not painted whether or not including resin coating.


The goods

The goods the subject of the application are:

Flat rolled products of iron and non-alloy steel of a width equal to or greater than 600mm, plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys, not painted whether or not including resin coating.

EPR 272

Goods Covered by the Investigation

The goods subject to anti-dumping measures, in the form of a dumping duty notice, are: flat rolled products of iron and non-alloy steel of a width equal to or greater than 600mm, plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys, not painted whether or not including resin coating.

The amount of aluminium zinc coating on the steel is described as its coating mass and is nominated in grams per square metre, with the prefix being AZ (Aluminium Zinc). Common coating masses used are: AZ200, AZ150, AZ100, and AZ70.

EPR 385

Goods Covered by the Investigation

The goods subject to anti-dumping measures, in the form of a dumping duty notice are:

  • flat rolled products of iron and non-alloy steel of a width equal to or greater than 600mm, plated or coated with aluminium zinc alloys, not painted whether or not including resin coating.

Painted aluminium zinc coated steel, pre-painted aluminium zinc coated steel and unchromated aluminium zinc coated steel products exported from Korea are not covered by the dumping duty notice.