Commodity group


The goods subject to the anti-dumping measures and this inquiry are:

Chromium plated circular solid steel bars (chrome bars) that have all of the following characteristics:

  • circular cross section;
  • made from alloy or non-alloy steel bar;
  • chrome plating of any thickness;
  • lengths not greater than 8 metres; and
  • diameters in the range 18 mm to 170 mm.

The applicant provided further details as follows:

EPR 319

Goods Covered by the InvestigationChromium plated circular solid steel bars (chrome bars) that have all of the following characteristics:

  • circular cross section;
  • made from alloy or non-alloy steel bar;
  • chrome plating of any thickness;
  • lengths not greater than 8m; and
  • diameters in the range from 18mm to 170mm.

The applicant provided further details as follows:

Chrome-Plated Steel Bar exported from the Italian Republic and Romania

The Anti-Dumping Review Panel (ADRP) received an application from Milltech Pty Ltd dated 2 September 2016 for review of a decision ('Reviewable Decision') by the Commissioner of the Anti-Dumping Commission to terminate that part of Investigation 319 as it related to the alleged dumping of certain Chrome-plated steel bar by Stelmi S.p.A ('Stelmi') from the Italian Republic (Italy).The investigation was terminated under s 269TDA(1) and s 269TDA(3).

The Reviewable Decision was published on the Anti-Dumping Commission (ADC) website on 3 August 2016 (ADN 2016/69).