Commodity group

EPR 266

Goods Covered by the Investigation

Certain electric resistance welded pipe and tube made of carbon steel, comprising circular and non-circular hollow sections in galvanised and non-galvanised finishes. The goods are normally referred to as either CHS (circular hollow sections) or RHS (rectangular or square hollow sections). The goods are collectively referred to as HSS (hollow structural sections). Finish types for the goods include inline galvanised (ILG), pre-galvanised, hot-dipped galvanised (HDG) and non-galvanised HSS.

EPR 203

This case is a reinvestigation of certain findings made in International Trade Remedies Report No. 177. The reinvestigation was requested by the Minister for Home Affairs following a report by the Trade Measures Review Officer (TMRO).

A report of the reinvestigation must be provided to the Minister by 14 April 2013.

Findings to be reinvestigated

In relation to the decision to publish a dumping duty notice: