These reports informed the identification of a site to host the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility.
The selection process wrapped up in February 2020, when the government identified Napandee, South Australia, as the suitable site to host the facility.
The reports cover assessment of site characteristics, cultural heritage, and social and economic impact across 3 voluntarily nominated sites:
- Wallerberdina Station, near Hawker in the Flinders Ranges
- Lyndhurst, near Kimba in the Eyre Peninsula
- Napandee, near Kimba in the Eyre Peninsula.
Update October 2023: Some information in these documents may no longer be current.
The Australian Government no longer intends to pursue sites at Wallerberdina, Lyndhurst or Napandee in South Australia for the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility. Read about this news.
Cultural heritage management plan 01: Kimba region
ARWA consulted with the Barngarla People, who are the Traditional Owners of much of the eastern Eyre Peninsula. Their native title boundary ranges from Port Lincoln to Whyalla, Port Augusta and Kimba.
A Cultural heritage management plan by AECOM was developed to protect identified and unknown cultural heritage at the site during our activities.
If you have any difficulties accessing this document, please contact us.
Economic impact assessment: Kimba region
This independent assessment of the Kimba region analyses the economic impact of the proposed facility.
The report by Cadence Economics (now part of EY):
- provides an overview of the economic characteristics of the Kimba region
- presents results of economic modelling across all phases of the project
- assesses economy-wide impacts using the dynamic, multi-region Cadence Economics General Equilibrium Model
- considers evidence of economic impacts of comparable sites in Australia and the world
- projects benefits to the Kimba region in terms of economic output, welfare, employment and real wages.
Economic impact assessment: Hawker
This independent assessment of Hawker analyses the economic impact of the proposed facility.
The report by Cadence Economics (now part of EY):
- provides an overview of the economic characteristics of the Hawker region
- presents results of economic modelling across all phases of the project
- assesses economy-wide impacts using the dynamic, multi-region Cadence Economics General Equilibrium Model
- considers evidence of economic impacts of comparable sites in Australia and the world
- projects benefits to the Flinders Rangers in terms of economic output, welfare, employment and real wages.
Social baseline report: Kimba
This independent report provides a socio-economic baseline assessment of Kimba.
The research by the University of Queensland draws on government data sources and interviews with people from the host communities. The report:
- provides social and economic information about the towns to identify current trends
- identifies existing local community strengths and values and how these can be protected and enhanced
- identifies the preferred and socially acceptable strategies to harness expected opportunities or avoid and mitigate negative impacts
- establishes a social and economic monitoring framework to track changes over time.
Social baseline report: Hawker and Quorn
This independent report provides a socio-economic baseline assessment of Hawker, and the neighbouring district Quorn.
The research by the University of Queensland draws on government data sources and interviews with people from the potential host communities. The report:
- provides social and economic information about the towns to identify current trends
- identifies existing local community strengths and values and how these can be protected and enhanced
- identifies the preferred and socially acceptable strategies to harness expected opportunities or avoid and mitigate negative impacts
- establishes a social and economic monitoring framework to track changes over time.
Aboriginal cultural heritage report: Wallerberdina Station
This independent report contains an Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment of Wallerberdina Station.
Wallerberdina Station is near Hawker in the Flinders Ranges, which are within Adnyamathanha Country.
Expert heritage consultants RPS conducted the research and consulted with a heritage working group. Members of the Adnyamathanha Traditional Lands Association and the Viliwarinha Yura Aboriginal Corporation participated in the working group.
Initial consultation and a site visit identified sensitive Aboriginal cultural heritage sites adjacent or within the eastern project area. As a result, the eastern area was no longer considered for the facility. The report therefore focuses on the western project area.
Report findings include:
- Adnyamathanha people maintain important cultural and social activities around the site access road
- locating the facility within the western project area would avoid heritage impact
- key opportunities exist to involve the Adnyamathanha community in all future stages of the project
- recommendations like cultural awareness training for staff and an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan.
Aboriginal heritage desktop assessment report: Kimba
This independent report contains an Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment of Lyndhurst and Napandee.
Lyndhurst and Napandee are within the Barngarla native title claim determination area.
Expert heritage consultants RPS conducted a desktop assessment and identified:
- no registered Aboriginal sites within a 10 kilometre radius of the study areas
- some areas of archaeological potential
- key risks and opportunities
- recommendations including consultation with Traditional Owners, a cultural heritage site visit and archaeological survey.
In line with these recommendations, we are working closely with Traditional Owners to enable them to shape heritage management.
Site characterisation technical report: Wallerberdina Station
This independent report contains a technical assessment of Wallerberdina Station.
The report by AECOM Australia:
- details surface and subsurface environments within and surrounding 100 hectares of the site
- assesses site characteristics using criteria for selecting and evaluating radioactive waste management facilities
- considers constraints and options to enable infrastructure.
Site characterisation technical report: Napandee
This independent report contains a technical assessment of Napandee.
The report by AECOM Australia:
- details surface and subsurface environments within and surrounding 100 hectares of the site
- assesses site characteristics using criteria for selecting and evaluating radioactive waste management facilities
- considers constraints and options to enable infrastructure.
Site characterisation technical report: Lyndhurst
This independent report contains a technical assessment of Lyndhurst.
The report by AECOM Australia:
- details surface and subsurface environments within and surrounding 100 hectares of the site
- assesses site characteristics using criteria for selecting and evaluating radioactive waste management facilities
- considers constraints and options to enable infrastructure.