We're managing the program across 3 phases and our role includes:
- procuring and overseeing lead contractors to do the work
- detailed planning and regulatory approvals, including environmental approvals under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act) 1999.
Phase 1: Decommission, disconnect from subsea infrastructure, tow and recycle the FPSO
During this phase, we’re:
- temporarily suspending the oil wells
- disconnecting the facility from the flowlines and moorings that anchor it to the seabed to allow towing
- towing the FPSO to a suitable facility for recycling.
Our department has conditional environmental approval under the EPBC Act for this phase. This authorises us to conduct:
- routine and maintenance operations of the FPSO and associated resource fields
- phase 1 decommissioning activities.
There are 34 conditions we must meet while completing these activities. These conditions set high standards for protecting the environment.
Petrofac Facilities Management Limited (Petrofac) is the registered operator and lead contractor delivering phase 1 decommissioning activities for our department. It must comply with the conditions. The first annual compliance report outlines what we have been doing to meet these conditions.
Phase 2: Permanently plug and abandon wells
After disconnecting and removing the FPSO, we’ll:
- permanently plug and abandon the oil wells to protect the environment
- remove the well infrastructure.
Phase 3: Remove subsea infrastructure and remediate the Laminaria and Corallina fields
During this phase, we’ll remove the remaining subsea equipment and infrastructure and transport it to shore for safe reuse and recycling. This includes removing flowlines, chains and mooring infrastructure.