A collection of red and blue barrels

The Australian Radioactive Waste Agency (ARWA) has updated Australia’s national inventory of radioactive waste.

This is the first formal update of the inventory since it was published in the Australian radioactive waste management framework in 2018.

The new inventory report:

  • summarises what organisations told us about their radioactive waste inventories
  • includes the volumes, activity levels and main radionuclides of these waste streams
  • estimates the total volume of radioactive waste that exists in Australia and will be produced in the next 50 to 100 years.

For the first time, the inventory covers organisations with relatively small waste inventories. This helps us capture information about the types of waste being stored by schools, universities, hospitals, research institutions and industrial facilities.

The national inventory will be used to develop the safety case and design of the planned National Radioactive Waste Management Facility (NRWMF).

Read Australia’s national inventory of radioactive waste 2021.