Aerial shot of houses and a road in a suburb.

Industry Engagement

Building Ministers have re-established an Industry Dialogue, holding an initial roundtable in Melbourne on 6 October. 

Industry participants spoke to a range of issues that were important to the sector. All parties agreed on the continued value of achieving national consistency in building regulations and working closely together. Building Ministers agreed that the insights received from industry leaders at the roundtable was valuable.

Responding to industry feedback, BMM tasked the ABCB to undertake broad consultation and engagement with a focus on communicating the rationale of future National Construction Code (NCC) changes. BMM also tasked the ABCB to prepare a detailed industry and community consultation plan for the next NCC.

Ministers committed to holding further Industry Dialogues in 2024.

National Construction Code timing

Acknowledging the critical role industry plays in the successful implementation of the NCC, Building Ministers tasked the ABCB to immediately begin consultation with industry and community on the next NCC, produce a draft NCC for further consultation in early 2024. 

Local Government representation

Ministers agreed to appoint Councillor Paul Kelly to be the Australian Local Government Association’s (ALGA) representative on the ABCB. As Director on the Board of ALGA and Deputy President of the Western Australian Local Government Association, Cr Kelly is well placed to contribute to the national discussion on building reform and emerging issues. 

Provision of female sanitary items through the NCC

The ABCB briefed Ministers on a proposal to require a means of dispensing female sanitary items in new commercial buildings. The NCC already includes requirements for an adequate means of disposing of sanitary items. While still a draft proposal, Ministers agreed this was an important matter for consideration in the next Public Comment Draft.

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