The Australian Government is now operating in line with Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Visual representation of data nodes and motes of light

We’ve released IISA’s 2023-24 annual report, outlining IISA’s achievements for the year.

Highlights include:

  • Establishment of a new IISA committee to support the $392 million Industry Growth Program (IGP)  The IGP will help startups and small businesses commercialise and grow their companies.
  • Release of the IISA report Barriers to collaboration and commercialisation to coincide with the launch of the IGP. The report includes practical actions to support the Australian Government’s broader goals to diversify and transform Australia’s industrial base.

The annual report also outlines how we continued:

  • engaging with stakeholders to promote and advocate for Australia’s innovation, science and research systems
  • overseeing systems to ensure effective and efficient innovation program delivery.

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