When Australians buy anything by measurement, like fuel or food, we trust the systems in place to make sure we all get a fair deal.
Next week, Trade Measurement Inspectors from the National Measurement Institute (NMI) will visit around 450 delicatessens and smallgoods retailers to make sure they measure up. This is the first time NMI will undertake a concentrated audit of this type of trader.
Bill Loizides, General Manager, Legal Metrology of the NMI says Australia’s trade measurement laws exist so consumers can trust they get what they pay for.
“NMI plays a key role in delivering fair measurement and keeping trade-based transactions trusted,” Mr Loizides added.
Most businesses are doing the right thing and will fix issues of non-compliance. To help businesses comply with their legal obligations, NMI’s Trade Measurement Inspectors will be:
- testing measuring instruments, inspect packaged goods and review business practices
- investigating complaints about potential breaches
- providing advice on meeting compliance obligations
- taking enforcement action when necessary.
Over the last year, Trade Measurement Inspectors have been conducting a three-part national concentrated audits known as the ‘Tare It’ program. Next week is the final concentrated audit for this financial year.
For more information contact the national trade measurement helpline on 1300 686 664 or infotm@measurement.gov.au.